R.oo (version 1.20.0)

DOLLAR.Class: Makes the fields and methods of an Class accessable via the \$ and the [[ operator


Makes the fields and methods of an Class accessable via the $ operator. This method is never called explicitly, but through an indirect usage of the $ operator, e.g. obj$name or obj$getValue().

  1. This method will first search for a get() method, e.g. if name has the value "age", a getAge() will be looked for. If such a method exists it will be called with the Class as the first and only argument, e.g. getAge(this). A get() is only looked for if is not a private field. A private field is a name beginning with a . (period). The rational for this naming convention is to be consistent with how ls() works, which will not list such members by default.

  • If no such method exists, first then, this method will look a field in the Class can has the name name.
  • If such neither exists, a method with name name will be searched for and returned.
  • If no fields or methods are found at all, NULL is returned.
  • Usage

    "$"(this, name) "[["(this, name)


    The name of the field or method to be accessed.
    Not used.


    Returns the value of a field or a method (function). If no such field or method exists, NULL is returned.

    See Also

    For more information see Class.