R.oo (version 1.20.0)

getKnownSubclasses.Class: Gets all subclasses that are currently loaded


Gets all subclasses that are currently loaded.


"getKnownSubclasses"(this, sort=TRUE, ...)


Not used.


Returns a vector of character strings.

See Also

*getSuperclasses(). For more information see Class.


Run this code
  ## Not run: 
#   # Due to a bug in R CMD check (R v1.7.1) the MicroarrayData$read() call
#   # below will call getKnownSubclasses(), which will generate
#   #   "Error in exists(objectName, mode = "function") :
#   #	   [2003-07-07 23:32:41] Exception: F used instead of FALSE"
#   # Note that the example still work, just not in R CMD check
#   print(getKnownSubclasses(Exception))
#   ## End(Not run)
  ## Not run: 
#   returns
#   [1] "Exception" "try-error" "Object"
#   ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace