R.rsp (version 0.43.0)

RRspPackage: The RRspPackage class


Package: R.rsp Class RRspPackage

Object ~~| ~~+--Package ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RRspPackage

Directly known subclasses:

public static class RRspPackage extends Package





Not used.

Fields and Methods


capabilitiesOf Checks which tools are supported.
isCapableOf -

Methods inherited from Package: as.character, getAuthor, getBundle, getBundlePackages, getChangeLog, getClasses, getContents, getDataPath, getDate, getDescription, getDescriptionFile, getDocPath, getEnvironment, getExamplePath, getHistory, getHowToCite, getLicense, getMaintainer, getName, getNews, getPath, getPosition, getTitle, getUrl, getVersion, isLoaded, isOlderThan, ll, load, showChangeLog, showContents, showDescriptionFile, showHistory, showHowToCite, showNews, startupMessage, unload

Methods inherited from Object: $, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save