R.rsp (version 0.43.2)

RspRSourceCode: The RspRSourceCode class


Package: R.rsp Class RspRSourceCode

character ~~| ~~+--RspObject ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RspProduct ~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspSourceCode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspRSourceCode

Directly known subclasses:

public abstract class RspRSourceCode extends RspSourceCode

An RspRSourceCode object is an RspSourceCode holding R source code.





character strings.

Fields and Methods


evaluate Parses and evaluates the R code.
findProcessor -
parseCode Parses the R code.
rcat -
rfile -
rsource -
tangle -
tidy -

Methods inherited from RspSourceCode: evaluate, print, rstring, tangle, tidy

Methods inherited from RspProduct: !, findProcessor, getType, hasProcessor, print, process, view

Methods inherited from RspObject: print

Methods inherited from character: Ops,nonStructure,vector-method, Ops,structure,vector-method, Ops,vector,nonStructure-method, Ops,vector,structure-method, all.equal, as.Date, as.POSIXlt, as.data.frame, as.raster, coerce,ANY,character-method, coerce,character,SuperClassMethod-method, coerce,character,signature-method, coerce<-,ObjectsWithPackage,character-method, coerce<-,signature,character-method, downloadFile, formula, getDLLRegisteredRoutines, isOpen, toAsciiRegExprPattern, toFileListTree, toLatex, uses