R.rsp (version 0.9.17)

rfile: Evaluates and postprocesses an RSP document and outputs the final RSP document file


Evaluates and postprocesses an RSP document and outputs the final RSP document file.


## S3 method for class 'default':
rfile(file, path=NULL, output=NULL, workdir=NULL, type=NA, envir=parent.frame(),
  args="*", postprocess=TRUE, ..., verbose=FALSE)


file, path
Specifies the RSP file to processed, which can be a file, a URL or a connection. If a file, the path is prepended to the file, iff given.
A character string or a connection specifying where output should be directed. The default is a file with a filename where
The working directory to use after parsing and preprocessing, but while evaluating and postprocessing the RSP document. If argument output specifies an absolute pathname, then the directory of outpu
The default content type of the RSP document. By default, it is inferred from the output filename extension, iff possible.
The environment in which the RSP document is preprocessed and evaluated.
A named list of arguments assigned to the environment in which the RSP string is parsed and evaluated. See cmdArgs.
If TRUE, and a postprocessing method exists for the generated RSP product, it is postprocessed as well.
Additional arguments passed to the RSP engine.
See Verbose.


Processing RSP files from the command line

Using Rscript and rfile(), it is possible to process an RSP file from the command line. For example,

Rscript -e "R.rsp::rfile(file='RSP-refcard.tex.rsp', path=system.file('doc', package='R.rsp'))"

parses and evaluates RSP-refcard.tex.rsp and output RSP-refcard.pdf in the current directory.

See Also

rstring() and rcat().


Run this code
path <- system.file("exData", package="R.rsp")
pathname <- rfile("random.txt.rsp", path=path)

lines <- readLines(pathname, warn=FALSE)
cat(lines, collapse="")

# Passing arguments
path <- system.file("exData", package="R.rsp")
pathname <- rfile("random-args.txt.rsp", path=path, args=list(K=50))

lines <- readLines(pathname, warn=FALSE)
cat(lines, collapse="")

# Compile and display the main vignette (requires LaTeX)
if (isCapableOf(R.rsp, "latex")) {
  path <- system.file("doc", package="R.rsp")
  pdf <- rfile("Dynamic_document_creation_using_RSP.tex.rsp", path=path)
  printf("Created document: %s
", pdf)
  if (interactive()) browseURL(pdf)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab