R.utils (version 0.8.0)

doCall: Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments


Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments.


## S3 method for class 'default}(.fcn, ..., args=NULL, alwaysArgs=NULL, .functions=.fcn, .ignoreUnusedArgs=TRUE)':

.fcn{A character string naming the function to be called.}
 ...{Named arguments to be passed to the function.}
 args{A list of additional named arguments that will be appended
   to the above arguments.}
 alwaysArgs{A list of additional named arguments that will be
   appended to the above arguments and that will never be ignore.
   This is useful if you want to pass arguments to a function that accepts
   arguments via ....}
 .functions{A character vector of function names whos arguments
   should be kept. This is useful when one function passes ... to
   another, e.g. loess.}
 .ignoreUnusedArgs{If TRUE, arguments that are not accepted by the
   function, will not be passed to it. Otherwise, all arguments are passed.}

doCall("plot", x=1:10, y=sin(1:10), col="red", dummyArg=54,
         alwaysArgs=list(xlab="x", ylab="y"),
         .functions=c("plot", "plot.xy"))


[object Object]

