R.utils (version 1.1.1)

gzip: Gzip/Gunzip a file


## S3 method for class 'default}(filename, destname=sprintf("\%s.gz", filename), overwrite=FALSE, remove=TRUE, BFR.SIZE=1e+07, ...)':

Gzip/Gunzip a file.

filename{Pathname of input file.}
 destname{Pathname of output file.}
 overwrite{If the output file already exists, then if
   overwrite is TRUE the file is silently overwritting,
   otherwise an exception is thrown.}
 remove{If TRUE, the input file is removed afterward,
   otherwise not.}
 BFR.SIZE{The number of bytes read in each chunk.}
  ...{Not used.}

Returns the number of (input) bytes read.

Internally gzfile() (see connections) is used to read (write) chunks to (from) the gzip file. If the process is interrupted before completed, the partially written output file is automatically removed.
cat(file="foo.txt", "Hello world!") gzip("foo.txt") print(file.info("foo.txt.gz")) gunzip("foo.txt.gz") print(file.info("foo.txt")) file.remove("foo.txt") [object Object] file programming
