R.utils (version 1.6.4)

createLink: Creates a link to a file or a directory


## S3 method for class 'default}(link=".", target, overwrite=FALSE, methods=c("unix-symlink", "windows-ntfs-symlink", "windows-shortcut"), ...)':

 Creates a link to a file or a directory.
   First it tries to create a (Unix-like) symbolic link and if that was
   not successful it tries to create a Windows Shortcut link.
   If neither works, an exception is thrown.

 link{The path or pathname of the link to be created.
     If "." (or NULL), it is inferred from the
     target argument.}
   target{The target file or directory to which the shortcut should
     point to.}
   overwrite{If TRUE, an existing link file is overwritten,
     otherwise not.}
   methods{A character vector specifying what methods (and in
     what order) should be tried for creating links.}
   ...{Not used.}

 Returns (invisibly) the path or pathname to the destination.

 [object Object]

 createWindowsShortcut() and

