R.utils (version 2.3.0)

whichVector.logical: Identifies TRUE elements in a logical vector


Identifies TRUE elements in a logical vector.

NOTE: which() should be used instead of this method unless you are running R (< 2.11.0), for which this method is faster than which() for logical vectors, especially when there are no missing values.


"whichVector"(x, na.rm=TRUE, use.names=TRUE, ...)


A logical vector of length N.
If TRUE, missing values are treated as FALSE, otherwise they are returned as NA.
If TRUE, the names attribute is preserved, otherwise it is not return.
Not used.


Returns an integer vector of length less or equal to N.


In R v2.11.0 which() was made approx. 10 times faster via a native implementation. Because of this, this method is of little use and approximately 3 times slower. However, for earlier version of R, this method is still significantly faster. For example, simple comparison on R v2.7.1 on Windows XP, show that this implementation can be more than twice as fast as which(), especially when there are no missing value (and na.rm=FALSE) is used.

See Also
