R.utils (version 2.8.0)

Arguments$getWritablePathname: Gets a writable pathname


Gets a writable pathname.


## Static method (use this):
## Arguments$getWritablePathname(..., mustExist=FALSE, mustNotExist=FALSE, mkdirs=TRUE,
##   maxTries=5L)

## Don't use the below: # S3 method for Arguments getWritablePathname(static, ..., mustExist=FALSE, mustNotExist=FALSE, mkdirs=TRUE, maxTries=5L)



Arguments passed to *getReadablePathname().


If TRUE and the pathname does not exists, an Exception is thrown, otherwise not.


If the file exists, and mustNotExist is TRUE, an Exception is thrown. If the file exists, and mustNotExist is FALSE, or the file does not exists, the pathname is accepted.


If TRUE, mustNotExist is FALSE, and the path to the file does not exist, it is (recursively) created.


A positive integer specifying how many times the method should try to create a missing directory before giving up. For more details, see mkdirs.


Returns a character string of the pathname of the file. If the argument was invalid an Exception is thrown.

Missing values

If any argument in ... is NA, an exception is thrown.

See Also

*getReadablePathname(). filePath. mkdirs. For more information see Arguments.