RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GBufferedOutputStream: GBufferedOutputStream


Buffered Output Stream


Methods and Functions

gBufferedOutputStreamNew(base.stream = NULL) gBufferedOutputStreamNewSized(base.stream, size) gBufferedOutputStreamGetBufferSize(object) gBufferedOutputStreamSetBufferSize(object, size) gBufferedOutputStreamGetAutoGrow(object) gBufferedOutputStreamSetAutoGrow(object, auto.grow) gBufferedOutputStream(base.stream, size)



Detailed Description

Buffered output stream implements GFilterOutputStream and provides for buffered writes. By default, GBufferedOutputStream's buffer size is set at 4 kilobytes. To create a buffered output stream, use gBufferedOutputStreamNew, or gBufferedOutputStreamNewSized to specify the buffer's size at construction. To get the size of a buffer within a buffered input stream, use gBufferedOutputStreamGetBufferSize. To change the size of a buffered output stream's buffer, use gBufferedOutputStreamSetBufferSize. Note that the buffer's size cannot be reduced below the size of the data within the buffer.


Convenient Construction

gBufferedOutputStream is the result of collapsing the constructors of GBufferedOutputStream (gBufferedOutputStreamNew, gBufferedOutputStreamNewSized) and accepts a subset of its arguments matching the required arguments of one of its delegate constructors.


auto-grow [logical : Read / Write]
Whether the buffer should automatically grow. Default value: FALSE
buffer-size [numeric : Read / Write / Construct]
The size of the backend buffer. Allowed values: >= 1 Default value: 4096

