RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GSocketClient: GSocketClient


Helper for connecting to a network service


Methods and Functions

gSocketClientNew() gSocketClientConnect(object, connectable, cancellable = NULL, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientConnectAsync(object, connectable, cancellable = NULL, callback, user.data = NULL) gSocketClientConnectFinish(object, result, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientConnectToHost(object, host.and.port, default.port, cancellable = NULL, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientConnectToHostAsync(object, host.and.port, default.port, cancellable = NULL, callback, user.data = NULL) gSocketClientConnectToHostFinish(object, result, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientConnectToService(object, domain, service, cancellable = NULL, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientConnectToServiceAsync(object, domain, service, cancellable = NULL, callback, user.data = NULL) gSocketClientConnectToServiceFinish(object, result, .errwarn = TRUE) gSocketClientSetFamily(object, family) gSocketClientSetLocalAddress(object, address) gSocketClientSetProtocol(object, protocol) gSocketClientSetSocketType(object, type) gSocketClientGetFamily(object) gSocketClientGetLocalAddress(object) gSocketClientGetProtocol(object) gSocketClientGetSocketType(object) gSocketClient()



Detailed Description

GSocketClient is a high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type. You create a GSocketClient object, set any options you want, then call a sync or async connect operation, which returns a GSocketConnection subclass on success. The type of the GSocketConnection object returned depends on the type of the underlying socket that is in use. For instance, for a TCP/IP connection it will be a GTcpConnection.


Convenient Construction

gSocketClient is the equivalent of gSocketClientNew.


family [GSocketFamily : Read / Write / Construct]
The sockets address family to use for socket construction. Default value: G_SOCKET_FAMILY_INVALID
local-address [GSocketAddress : * : Read / Write / Construct]
The local address constructed sockets will be bound to.
protocol [GSocketProtocol : Read / Write / Construct]
The protocol to use for socket construction, or 0 for default. Default value: G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT
type [GSocketType : Read / Write / Construct]
The sockets type to use for socket construction. Default value: G_SOCKET_TYPE_STREAM

