RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GtkAssistant: GtkAssistant


A widget used to guide users through multi-step operations


Methods and Functions

gtkAssistantNew(show = TRUE) gtkAssistantGetCurrentPage(object) gtkAssistantSetCurrentPage(object, page.num) gtkAssistantGetNPages(object) gtkAssistantGetNthPage(object, page.num) gtkAssistantPrependPage(object, page) gtkAssistantAppendPage(object, page) gtkAssistantInsertPage(object, page, position) gtkAssistantSetForwardPageFunc(object, page.func, data) gtkAssistantSetPageType(object, page, type) gtkAssistantGetPageType(object, page) gtkAssistantSetPageTitle(object, page, title) gtkAssistantGetPageTitle(object, page) gtkAssistantSetPageHeaderImage(object, page, pixbuf = NULL) gtkAssistantGetPageHeaderImage(object, page) gtkAssistantSetPageSideImage(object, page, pixbuf = NULL) gtkAssistantGetPageSideImage(object, page) gtkAssistantSetPageComplete(object, page, complete) gtkAssistantGetPageComplete(object, page) gtkAssistantAddActionWidget(object, child) gtkAssistantRemoveActionWidget(object, child) gtkAssistantUpdateButtonsState(object) gtkAssistant(show = TRUE)




GtkAssistant implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.

Detailed Description

A GtkAssistant is a widget used to represent a generally complex operation splitted in several steps, guiding the user through its pages and controlling the page flow to collect the necessary data.

GtkAssistant as GtkBuildable

The GtkAssistant implementation of the GtkBuildable interface exposes the action.area as internal children with the name "action_area". To add pages to an assistant in GtkBuilder, simply add it as a to the GtkAssistant object, and set its child properties as necessary.


Convenient Construction

gtkAssistant is the equivalent of gtkAssistantNew.

Enums and Flags

User Functions


apply(assistant, user.data)
The ::apply signal is emitted when the apply button is clicked. The default behavior of the GtkAssistant is to switch to the page after the current page, unless the current page is the last one. A handler for the ::apply signal should carry out the actions for which the wizard has collected data. If the action takes a long time to complete, you might consider to put a page of type GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_PROGRESS after the confirmation page and handle this operation within the "prepare" signal of the progress page. Since 2.10
the GtkAssistant
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
cancel(assistant, user.data)
The ::cancel signal is emitted when then the cancel button is clicked. Since 2.10
the GtkAssistant
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
close(assistant, user.data)
The ::close signal is emitted either when the close button of a summary page is clicked, or when the apply button in the last page in the flow (of type GTK_ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM) is clicked. Since 2.10
the GtkAssistant
user data set when the signal handler was connected.
prepare(assistant, page, user.data)
The ::prepare signal is emitted when a new page is set as the assistant's current page, before making the new page visible. A handler for this signal can do any preparation which are necessary before showing page. Since 2.10
the GtkAssistant
the current page
user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Style Properties

content-padding [integer : Read]
Number of pixels around the content pages. Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 1
header-padding [integer : Read]
Number of pixels around the header. Allowed values: >= 0 Default value: 6

