RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GtkColorButton: GtkColorButton


A button to launch a color selection dialog


Methods and Functions

gtkColorButtonNew(show = TRUE) gtkColorButtonNewWithColor(color, show = TRUE) gtkColorButtonSetColor(object, color) gtkColorButtonGetColor(object) gtkColorButtonSetAlpha(object, alpha) gtkColorButtonGetAlpha(object) gtkColorButtonSetUseAlpha(object, use.alpha) gtkColorButtonGetUseAlpha(object) gtkColorButtonSetTitle(object, title) gtkColorButtonGetTitle(object) gtkColorButton(color, show = TRUE)




GtkColorButton implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkActivatable.

Detailed Description

The GtkColorButton is a button which displays the currently selected color an allows to open a color selection dialog to change the color. It is suitable widget for selecting a color in a preference dialog.


Convenient Construction

gtkColorButton is the result of collapsing the constructors of GtkColorButton (gtkColorButtonNew, gtkColorButtonNewWithColor) and accepts a subset of its arguments matching the required arguments of one of its delegate constructors.



alpha [numeric : Read / Write]
The selected opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque). Allowed values: <= 65535="" default value:="" since="" 2.4="" <="" dd="">
color [GdkColor : * : Read / Write]
The selected color. Since 2.4
title [character : * : Read / Write]
The title of the color selection dialog Default value: "Pick a Color" Since 2.4
use-alpha [logical : Read / Write]
If this property is set to TRUE, the color swatch on the button is rendered against a checkerboard background to show its opacity and the opacity slider is displayed in the color selection dialog. Default value: FALSE Since 2.4



See Also

GtkColorSelectionDialog GtkFontButton