RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GtkLayout: GtkLayout


Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing


Methods and Functions

gtkLayoutNew(hadjustment = NULL, vadjustment = NULL, show = TRUE) gtkLayoutPut(object, child.widget, x, y) gtkLayoutMove(object, child.widget, x, y) gtkLayoutSetSize(object, width, height) gtkLayoutGetSize(object) gtkLayoutFreeze(object) gtkLayoutThaw(object) gtkLayoutGetHadjustment(object) gtkLayoutGetVadjustment(object) gtkLayoutSetHadjustment(object, adjustment = NULL) gtkLayoutSetVadjustment(object, adjustment = NULL) gtkLayoutGetBinWindow(object) gtkLayout(hadjustment = NULL, vadjustment = NULL, show = TRUE)




GtkLayout implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.

Detailed Description

GtkLayout is similar to GtkDrawingArea in that it's a "blank slate" and doesn't do anything but paint a blank background by default. It's different in that it supports scrolling natively (you can add it to a GtkScrolledWindow), and it can contain child widgets, since it's a GtkContainer. However if you're just going to draw, a GtkDrawingArea is a better choice since it has lower overhead. When handling expose events on a GtkLayout, you must draw to GTK_LAYOUT (layout)->bin_window, rather than to GTK_WIDGET (layout)->window, as you would for a drawing area.


Convenient Construction

gtkLayout is the equivalent of gtkLayoutNew.



hadjustment [GtkAdjustment : * : Read / Write]
The GtkAdjustment for the horizontal position.
height [numeric : Read / Write]
The height of the layout. Allowed values: <= 100="" g_maxint="" default value:="" <="" dd="">
vadjustment [GtkAdjustment : * : Read / Write]
The GtkAdjustment for the vertical position.
width [numeric : Read / Write]
The width of the layout. Allowed values: <= 100="" g_maxint="" default value:="" <="" dd="">



See Also

GtkDrawingArea GtkScrolledWindow