RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

gtk-Filesystem-utilities: Filesystem utilities


Functions for working with GIO


Methods and Functions

gtkMountOperationNew(parent = NULL) gtkMountOperationIsShowing(object) gtkMountOperationSetParent(object, parent) gtkMountOperationGetParent(object) gtkMountOperationSetScreen(object, screen) gtkMountOperationGetScreen(object) gtkShowUri(screen = NULL, uri, timestamp, .errwarn = TRUE) gtkMountOperation(parent = NULL)



Detailed Description

The functions and objects described here make working with GTK+ and GIO more convenient. GtkMountOperation is needed when mounting volumes: It is an implementation of GMountOperation that can be used with GIO functions for mounting volumes such as gFileMountEnclosingVolume, gFileMountMountable, gVolumeMount, gMountUnmountWithOperation and others. When necessary, GtkMountOperation shows dialogs to ask for passwords, questions or show processes blocking unmount. gtkShowUri is a convenient way to launch applications for URIs. Another object that is worth mentioning in this context is GdkAppLaunchContext, which provides visual feedback when lauching applications.


Convenient Construction

gtkMountOperation is the equivalent of gtkMountOperationNew.


is-showing [logical : Read]
Are we showing a dialog. Default value: FALSE
parent [GtkWindow : * : Read / Write]
The parent window.
screen [GdkScreen : * : Read / Write]
The screen where this window will be displayed.

