RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

gtkAdd: Add Gtk wdget to parent container


DEPRECATED!! (compatibility wrappers for RGtk 1!)

This adds the specified Gtk widget to the hierarchy defining a graphical interface by giving it a parent and a place in the parent's container. This is then followed by a call to gtkShow to make the widget visible.


gtkAdd(parent, ...)


the parent container widget (e.g. a box, etc. ) into which the widget `w' is to be added.
one or more widgets that are to be added to the parent container.


Currently, a logical value indicating whether the, typically a logical value, TRUE, indicating success. This will be changed to be a widget. Perhaps we will add an option to allow a scrolled container or a pane to be added in which case the result will be that newly created container widget.


http://www.gtk.org http://www.omegahat.org/RGtk

See Also

gtkContainerAdd gtkWindow gtkShow