RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

gtkNotebookSetTabDetachable: gtkNotebookSetTabDetachable


Sets whether the tab can be detached from notebook to another notebook or widget.


gtkNotebookSetTabDetachable(object, child, detachable)


a child GtkWidget
whether the tab is detachable or not


Note that 2 notebooks must share a common group identificator (see gtkNotebookSetGroupId) to allow automatic tabs interchange between them. If you want a widget to interact with a notebook through DnD (i.e.: accept dragged tabs from it) it must be set as a drop destination and accept the target "GTK_NOTEBOOK_TAB". The notebook will fill the selection with a GtkWidget** pointing to the child widget that corresponds to the dropped tab.
on_drop_zone_drag_data_received <- function(widget, context, x, y,
                                            selection_data, info, time,
  notebook <- context$getWidget()
  child <- selection_data$data
  # unfortunately, it's not possible to actually use 'child' - there
  # would need to be a way to derefernce it and make an externalptr
  # if you need this functionality, please let the RGtk2 maintainer know.
  # process_widget(child)
  # notebook$remove(child)
If you want a notebook to accept drags from other widgets, you will have to set your own DnD code to do it. Since 2.10