RMendeley (version 1.2)

RMendeley: RMendeley - A programmatic interface to the Web Service methods provided by the Mendeley open science


This is version 1.0.0 of package RMendeley. User specific API methods require obtaining access keys from Mendeley.com. To do so, first sign up at the Mendeley developer site and obtain Mendeley API keys. Ideally you should store these keys in your .rprofile but you may also specify them inline when authenticating with mendeley_auth.



To save your cosumer key/secret combo in your .rprofile, add the following lines:

options(MendeleyKey = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY")

options(MendeleyPrivateKey = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")

Most functions now require users to authenticate first using mendeley_auth. Once you had approved RMendeley on the Mendeley website, return to the R console and paste the PIN to complete authentication. You may save this MendeleyCredential object for future use and not repeat the authentication process for each session.

Profile methods

Stats methods

Document methods

Group methods

Folder methods

Public methods

Useful links