RODBC (version 0.8-3)

RODBC: ODBC Database Connectivity


RODBC implements odbc database connectivity with compliant databases where drivers exist on the host system. Two groups of commands are provided. odbc* commands implement relatively low level access to the odbc functions of similar name. sql* commands are higher level constructs to read, save, copy and manipulate data between data frames and sql tables. In general sql* commands return a data frame on success, or -1/verbose on error depending on the errors parameter. The odbc* group return -1 in stat on error. Up to 16 connections can be open at once to any combination of dsn/hosts. Columns are limited to 255 chars of non-binary data. The functions where usage is obvious from the name are not described below.


sqlQuery(channel, query, errors = TRUE, = FALSE, as = "data frame",
    max = 0, buffsize = 1000, nullstring = "NA", na.strings = "NA")
sqlSave(channel, dat, tablename = NULL, append = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, 
    colnames = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE, fast = TRUE, 
    nastring = NULL) 
sqlFetch(channel, sqtable, errors = TRUE, = FALSE, as = "data frame",
    colnames = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, nullstring = "NA", na.strings = "NA") 
sqlPrimaryKeys(channel, sqtable)
sqlColumns(channel, sqtable, errors = FALSE, special = FALSE)
sqlDrop(channel, sqtable, errors = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
sqlClear(channel, sqtable, errors = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
sqlCopy(channel, query, destination, destchannel = -1, verbose = TRUE,
        errors = TRUE)
sqlCopyTable(channel, srctable, desttable, destchannel = -1, verbose = TRUE, 
    errors = TRUE) 
sqlGetResults(channel, = FALSE,  as = "data frame", errors = FALSE,
    max = 0, buffsize = 1000, nullstring = "NA", na.strings = "NA")
sqlUpdate(channel, dat, verbose = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL)

odbcConnect(dsn, uid="", pwd="", host="localhost", case="nochange") odbcClose(channel)

odbcClearError(channel) odbcQuery(channel, query) odbcTables(channel) odbcGetErrMsg(channel) odbcColumns(channel, table) odbcPrimaryKeys(channel, table) odbcFetchRow(channel) odbcFetchRows(channel, max = 0, transposing = FALSE, buffsize = 1000, nullstring = "NA") odbcColData(channel) odbcNumRows(channel) odbcNumFields(channel) odbcNumCols(channel)


character. A registered data source name.
uid, pwd
UID and password for authentication (if required).
Hostname of the database server
connection handle returned by odbcConnect()
any valid SQL statement
a database table name accessible from the connected dsn
if TRUE halt and display error, else return -1
Display statements as they are sent to the server
a data frame
save row labels as the first column in the table
save column names as first row of table
Controls case changes for different RDBMS engines
type of return value. Valid values are "data frame", "matrix" and "transposed matrix", the latter two being character matrices as returned by the DBMS.
return rows and columns transposed, as character matrix.
return columns needed to specify a row uniquely
show what would be done, only.
logical. Method for writing to the database. If false, send an SQL INSERT statement for each row. If true, send a paremetrized SQL INSERT statement for the whole table.
character string to be used for writing NAs to the database. For fast = TRUE it is not possible to write NULL as SQL_NULL_DATA (which is done for fast = FALSE), so "NA"
character string to be used when reading SQL_NULL_DATA items from the database.
character string(s) to be mapped NA when reading data.


odbcConnect establishes a connection to the dsn at host. It returns a integer, which is used as handle if no error occurred, -1 otherwise. For databases that translate table and column names to case must be set as appropriate. Allowable values are nochange, toupper and tolower as well as the names of databases where the behaviour is known to me (currently mysql,postgresql, oracle and msaccess.

sqlQuery is the workhorse function. It sends the SQL statement query to the server, using connection channel, returned by odbcConnect. Returns a data frame of results, transformed according to If errors=FALSE returns -1 on error, otherwise halts with a message from the server. transposing reverses columns and rows if TRUE. buffsize will yield a marginal increase in speed if increased for some database engines eg MSaccess. SQL beginners should note that the term `Query' includes any valid SQL statement including table creation, alteration, updates etc as well as SELECTs. The sqlQuery command is a convenience wrapper that calls first odbcQuery and then sqlGetResults. If finer grained control, for example over the number of rows fetched, these functions should be called manually.

sqlGetResults is a mid-level function. It should be called after a call to odbcQuery and used to retrieve waiting results into a dataframe. Its main use is with max set to non zero it will retrieve the result set in batches with repeated calls. This is useful for very large result sets which can be subjected to intermediate processing.

sqlSave saves the data frame dat in the table dat. The table name is taken from tablename if given or the name of the dataframe. If the table exists and has the appropriate structure it is used, or else it is created anew with type varchar(255). If rownames=TRUE the first column of the table will be the row labels with colname rowname. rownames can also be a string giving the desired name (see example). colnames copied the column names into row 1. This is intended for cases where case conversion alters the original column names and it is desired that they are retained. Note that there are drawbacks to this approach: it presupposes that the rows will be returned in correct order; not always valid. It will also cause numeric rows to be returned as factors. WARNING: sqlSave uses the 'great white shark' method of testing tables (bite it and see). The logic will unceremoniously DROP the table and create it anew with VARCHAR column types in its attempt to find a writeable solution. test=TRUE will not necessarily predict this behaviour. Attempting to write indexed columns or writing to pseudo- columns are less obvious causes of failed writes followed by a DROP. If your table structure is precious to you back it up.

sqlFetch loads the the entire contents of the table dat. (The reverse of sqlSave) Rownames and column names are restored as indicated. (More accurately the first row and column returned is transferred to the row/col names).

sqlCopy as above, but saves the output of query in table destination on dsn destchannel. sqlCopyTable copies the structure of srctable to desttable on dsn destchannel. This is within the limitation of the odbc lowest common denominator. More precise control is possible via sqlQuery. sqlClear deletes the content of the table sqtable. No confirmation is requested.

sqlDrop removes the table sqtable. No confirmation is requested.

sqlUpdate updates the table where the rows already exist. The dataframe must contain a column named after the row that the database regards as teh optimal for defining a row uniquely. (This is returned by sqlColumns(...,special=T)). sqlColumns, sqlTables, and sqlPrimaryKeys return information as data frames. Note that the column names contain underscores and are invalid in S unless quoted. The column names are not constant across ODBC versions so the data should be accessed by column number. The argument special to sqlColumns returns the rows needed to specify a row uniquely. This is intended to form the basis of a WHERE clause for updates.

odbcClose(channel) Clean up and free resources.

odbcFetchRows This function returns a matrix of the pending rowset in $data limited to max rows if max is greater than 0. buffsize may be increased from the default of 1000 (rows*cols) for increased performance in a large dataset. This only has an effect with servers that do not return the number of rows affected by a query e.g. MSAccess, MSSqlServer. If transposing is TRUE the matrix will be transposed. This function is called by sqlGetResults, which then converts the matrix to a dataframe. This step incurs a significant performance penalty and working with matrices is much faster in large rowsets.

odbcFetchRow(channel) is a deprecated function that returns a vector comprising the next row of the waiting rowset.

The remaining functions beginning odbc are lower level functions that normally require explicit looping to deal with the results. Most return -1 on failure, indicating that a message is waiting for odbcGetErrMsg. The exception is that an invalid channel returns -2. Examples are present in the sql.R code.

sqlGetResults returns the last result set created by an odbc* call as a data frame.


Run this code
channel <- odbcConnect("test", "", "") # userId and password
sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames = "State", verbose = TRUE)
options("dec",".") # this is the default decimal point
sqlQuery(channel, "select State, Murder from USArrests where rape > 30 order by Murder")
sqlFetch(channel, "USArrests") # get the lot
sqlDrop(channel, USArrests)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab