RPostgres (version 1.1.1)

postgres-query: Execute a SQL statement on a database connection


To retrieve results a chunk at a time, use dbSendQuery(), dbFetch(), then dbClearResult(). Alternatively, if you want all the results (and they'll fit in memory) use dbGetQuery() which sends, fetches and clears for you.


# S4 method for PqConnection,character
dbSendQuery(conn, statement, params = NULL,

# S4 method for PqResult dbFetch(res, n = -1, ..., row.names = FALSE)

# S4 method for PqResult dbBind(res, params, ...)

# S4 method for PqResult dbHasCompleted(res, ...)

# S4 method for PqResult dbClearResult(res, ...)



A '>PqConnection created by dbConnect().


An SQL string to execute


A list of query parameters to be substituted into a parameterised query. Query parameters are sent as strings, and the correct type is imputed by PostgreSQL. If this fails, you can manually cast the parameter with e.g. "$1::bigint".


Another arguments needed for compatibility with generic ( currently ignored).


Code a '>PqResult produced by DBI::dbSendQuery().


Number of rows to return. If less than zero returns all rows.


Either TRUE, FALSE, NA or a string.

If TRUE, always translate row names to a column called "row_names". If FALSE, never translate row names. If NA, translate rownames only if they're a character vector.

A string is equivalent to TRUE, but allows you to override the default name.

For backward compatibility, NULL is equivalent to FALSE.


Run this code
# For running the examples on systems without PostgreSQL connection:
run <- postgresHasDefault()

if (run) db <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())
if (run) dbWriteTable(db, "usarrests", datasets::USArrests, temporary = TRUE)

# Run query to get results as dataframe
if (run) dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM usarrests LIMIT 3")

# Send query to pull requests in batches
if (run) res <- dbSendQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM usarrests")
if (run) dbFetch(res, n = 2)
if (run) dbFetch(res, n = 2)
if (run) dbHasCompleted(res)
if (run) dbClearResult(res)

if (run) dbRemoveTable(db, "usarrests")

if (run) dbDisconnect(db)
# }

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