RProtoBuf (version 0.4.8)

clone-methods: Clone protocol buffer messages


Generic "clone" function and associated method for Message objects




Run this code
## Not run: 
# # example proto file supplied with this package
# proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
# # reading a proto file and creating the descriptor
# Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
# ## End(Not run)

# creating a prototype message from the descriptor
sheep <- new( Person, email = "francoisromain@free.fr", id = 2 )

# cloning the sheep
newsheep <- clone( sheep )

# clone and update at once
newsheep <- clone( sheep, id = 3 )

# this can also be used as a pseudo method
sheep$clone( id = 3 )

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace