RcppClassicExamples (version 0.1.3)

RcppDataFrame: Rcpp::DataFrame example for Rcpp -- deprecated API


A DataFrame can be passed C++ and can be instantiated as a corresponding C++ object using the Rcpp API.

This example shows (in the corresponding C++ code) how to access, modify and create a data frame.

Note that the RcppClassic package has been deprecated since 2010, all new development should use the Rcpp package instead.



Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois


Usage of Rcpp::DataFrame is fully defined in the respective header file.

The C++ source file corresponding to the this function does the following (inside of a try/catch block):

      // construct the data.frame object
      Rcpp::DataFrame DF = Rcpp::DataFrame(Dsexp);

// and access each column by name Rcpp::IntegerVector a = DF["a"]; Rcpp::CharacterVector b = DF["b"]; Rcpp::DateVector c = DF["c"]; // do something a[2] = 42; b[1] = "foo"; c[0] = c[0] + 7; // move up a week

// create a new data frame Rcpp::DataFrame NDF = Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("a")=a, Rcpp::Named("b")=b, Rcpp::Named("c")=c);

// and return old and new in list return(Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("origDataFrame")=DF, Rcpp::Named("newDataFrame")=NDF));

See Also

See the RcppExamples-package for examples of the recommended Rcpp API and Rcpp-package for documentation on the recommended API to extend R with C++ code, while the deprecated RcppClassic-package documents the older, deprecated API.


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  if (FALSE) {

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