ReIns (version 1.0.13)

CTE: Conditional Tail Expectation


Compute Conditional Tail Expectation (CTE) \(CTE_{1-p}\) of the fitted spliced distribution.


CTE(p, splicefit)

ES(p, splicefit)


Vector with the CTE corresponding to each element of \(p\).



The probability associated with the CTE (we estimate \(CTE_{1-p}\)).


A SpliceFit object, e.g. output from SpliceFitPareto, SpliceFiticPareto or SpliceFitGPD.


Tom Reynkens with R code from Roel Verbelen for the mixed Erlang quantiles.


The Conditional Tail Expectation is defined as $$CTE_{1-p} = E(X | X>Q(1-p)) = E(X | X>VaR_{1-p}) = VaR_{1-p} + \Pi(VaR_{1-p})/p,$$ where \(\Pi(u)=E((X-u)_+)\) is the premium of the excess-loss insurance with retention u.

If the CDF is continuous in \(p\), we have \(CTE_{1-p}=TVaR_{1-p}= 1/p \int_0^p VaR_{1-s} ds\) with \(TVaR\) the Tail Value-at-Risk.

See Reynkens et al. (2017) and Section 4.6 of Albrecher et al. (2017) for more details.

The ES function is the same function as CTE but is deprecated.


Albrecher, H., Beirlant, J. and Teugels, J. (2017). Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects, Wiley, Chichester.

Reynkens, T., Verbelen, R., Beirlant, J. and Antonio, K. (2017). "Modelling Censored Losses Using Splicing: a Global Fit Strategy With Mixed Erlang and Extreme Value Distributions". Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 77, 65--77.

Verbelen, R., Gong, L., Antonio, K., Badescu, A. and Lin, S. (2015). "Fitting Mixtures of Erlangs to Censored and Truncated Data Using the EM Algorithm." Astin Bulletin, 45, 729--758

See Also

qSplice, ExcessSplice, SpliceFit, SpliceFitPareto, SpliceFiticPareto, SpliceFitGPD


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# Pareto random sample
X <- rpareto(1000, shape = 2)

# Splice ME and Pareto
splicefit <- SpliceFitPareto(X, 0.6)

p <- seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)
# Plot of CTE
plot(p, CTE(p, splicefit), type="l", xlab="p", ylab=bquote(CTE[1-p]))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab