ReporteRs (version 0.3)

docx: Create Microsoft Word document object representation


Create a "docx" object


docx(title = "untitled", template)



"character" value: title of the document (in the doc properties).


"character" value, it represents the filename of the docx file used as a template.


an object of class "docx".


Several methods can used to send R output into an object of class "docx".

R outputs (tables, plots, paragraphs and images) can be inserted (and not added at the end) in a document if a bookmark exists in the template file.

Once object has content, user can write the docx into a ".docx" file, see writeDoc.


Wikipedia: Office Open XML

See Also

addTitle.docx, addImage.docx, addParagraph.docx , addPlot.docx, addTable.docx, addTOC.docx , styles.docx, writeDoc.docx


Run this code
require( ggplot2 )

# Word document to write
docx.file <- "document_example.docx"

# Create a new document
doc = docx( title = "title" )

# display layouts names
styles( doc )

# add title
doc = addParagraph( doc, "Document title", stylename = "TitleDoc" )

doc = addParagraph( doc , "This document is generated with ReporteRs."
             , stylename="Citationintense")

# add page break
doc = addPageBreak( doc )

# add a title
doc = addTitle( doc, "Table of contents", level =  1 )

# add a table of content
doc = addTOC( doc )

# add page break
doc = addPageBreak( doc )

# add a title
doc = addTitle( doc, "Texts demo", level =  1 )
texts = c( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
, "In sit amet ipsum tellus. Vivamus dignissim arcu sit amet faucibus auctor."
, "Quisque dictum tristique ligula."

# add simple text
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = texts, stylename="BulletList" )

# Add "My tailor is rich" and "Cats and Dogs"
# format some of the pieces of text
pot1 = pot("My tailor"
     , textProperties(color="red", font.size = 12 ) ) + " is " + pot("rich"
             , textProperties(font.weight="bold") )
pot2 = pot("Cats"
     , textProperties(color="red", font.size = 12)
     ) + " and " + pot("Dogs"
             , textProperties(color="blue", font.size = 12) )
doc <- addParagraph(doc, set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 ), stylename="Normal" )

myplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length
     , data = iris, color = Species
     , size = Petal.Width, alpha = I(0.7)
# Add titles and then 'myplot'
doc = addTitle( doc, "Plot examples", level =  1 )
doc = addPlot( doc, function( ) print( myplot ) )
# Add a legend below the plot
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = "my first plot", stylename = "rPlotLegend")

# Add a table
doc = addTitle( doc, "Table example", level =  1 )
# add iris sample
doc = addTable( doc, data = iris[25:33, ] )
# Add a legend below the table
doc = addParagraph( doc, value = "my first table", stylename = "rTableLegend")

# add page break and then tables of contents for produced plots and tables
doc = addPageBreak( doc )
doc = addTitle( doc, "List of graphics", level =  1 )
doc = addTOC( doc, stylename = "rPlotLegend" )
doc = addTitle( doc, "List of tables", level =  1 )
doc = addTOC( doc, stylename = "rTableLegend" )

# write the doc
writeDoc( doc, docx.file)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace