ReporteRs (version 0.5.7)

addTable.docx: Insert a table into a docx object


Insert a table into the docx object.


# S3 method for docx
addTable(doc, data,, header.labels,
  groupedheader.row = list(), span.columns = character(0), col.types, = list(), columns.font.colors = list(),
  row.names = FALSE, = parProperties(text.align = "left",
  padding = 0), bookmark, ...)



the docx to use


data.frame to add

a tableProperties object to specify styles to use to format the table. optional. Default to


a character whose elements define labels to display in table headers instead of colnames. Optional, if missing, headers will be filled with data column names.


a named list whose elements define the upper header row (grouped header). Optional. Elements of that list are values and colspan. Element values is a character vector containing labels to display in the grouped header row. Element colspan is an integer vector containing number of columns to span for each values.


a character vector specifying columns names where row merging should be done (if successive values in a column are the same ; if data[p,j]==data[p-1,j] )


a character whose elements define the formatting style of columns via their data roles. Optional Possible values are : "character", "integer", "logical" , "double", "percent", "date", "datetime". If missing, factor and character will be formated as character , integer as integer and numeric as double.

A named list of character vector. Define the background color of cells for a given column. optional. Names are data column names and values are character vectors specifying cells background colors. Each element of the list is a vector of length nrow(data).


A named list of character vector. Define the font color of cells per column. optional. A name list, names are data column names and values are character vectors specifying cells font colors. Each element of the list is a vector of length nrow(data).

paragraph formatting properties of the paragraph that contains the table. An object of class parProperties


a character vector specifying bookmark id (where to put the table). If provided, table will be add after paragraph that contains the bookmark. See bookmark. If not provided, table will be added at the end of the document.


logical value - should the row.names be included in the table.


addTable arguments - see addTable.


an object of class "docx".

See Also

docx, addTable, tableProperties , addFlexTable, FlexTable, bookmark


Run this code
doc.filename = "addTable_example.docx"

# set default font size to 10
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 10 )

doc = docx( )

doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1", level = 1 )
# simpliest usage
doc = addTable( doc, iris[ 1:10,] )

doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 2", level = 1 )
# demo span.columns
# Iris sample dataset with span cells on column Species
doc = addTable( doc, iris[ 46:55,], span.columns = "Species" )

doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 3", level = 1 )
# demo many options
data( data_ReporteRs )
# add dummy data 'data_ReporteRs' and customise some options
doc = addTable( doc
    , data = data_ReporteRs
    , header.labels = c( "Header 1", "Header 2", "Header 3"
        , "Header 4", "Header 5", "Header 6" )
    , groupedheader.row = list( values = c("Grouped column 1", "Grouped column 2")
        , colspan = c(3, 3) )
    , col.types = c( "character", "integer", "double", "date", "percent", "character" )
    , columns.font.colors = list(
        "col1" = c("#527578", "#84978F", "#ADA692", "#47423F")
        , "col3" = c("#74A6BD", "#7195A3", "#D4E7ED", "#EB8540")
    , = list(
        "col2" = c("#527578", "#84978F", "#ADA692", "#47423F")
        , "col4" = c("#74A6BD", "#7195A3", "#D4E7ED", "#EB8540")

# Write the object
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace