ReporteRs (version 0.6.6)

Footnote: Create a Footnote


A footnote is a a set of paragraphs placed at the bottom of a page if document object is a docx object or used as a tooltip if document object is an html object.

If in a docx object, footnote will be flagged by a number immediately following the portion of the text the note is in reference to.


Footnote(value, = parProperties(), = textProperties(vertical.align = "superscript"))



text to add to the document as paragraphs: an object of class pot or set_of_paragraphs or a character vector.

parProperties to apply to paragraphs.

textProperties to apply to note index symbol (only for docx object).


an object of class Footnote.

See Also

docx, html, pot


Run this code
## docx example 
doc = docx( )

par1 = pot("About this reference", textBold( ) )
par2 = pot("Omni ab coalitos pro malivolus obsecrans graviter 
cum perquisitor perquisitor pericula saepeque inmunibus coalitos ut.", 
	textItalic(font.size = 8) )

Footnote1 = Footnote( set_of_paragraphs( par1, par2 ), = parProperties(text.align = "justify") )

pot5 = pot("This is another reference" )
Footnote2 = Footnote( pot5, = parProperties(text.align = "center") )

doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1", level = 1 )

pot1 = "Hae duae provinciae " + pot("bello", 
	footnote = Footnote1, format = textBold(color="blue")
) + " quondam piratico catervis mixtae praedonum a Servilio pro consule missae sub 
iugum factae sunt vectigales. et hae quidem regiones velut in prominenti terrarum 
lingua positae ob orbe eoo monte Amano disparantur."

pot2 = pot("Latius iam disseminata licentia onerosus bonis omnibus Caesar nullum 
post haec adhibens modum orientis latera cuncta vexabat nec honoratis parcens 
nec urbium primatibus nec plebeiis." ) + pot(" Here is another note.", footnote = Footnote2)

# Add into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 ) )

docx.file = "footnote.docx"

writeDoc( doc, file = docx.file )
## html example 
doc = html( )

par1 = pot("About this reference", textBold( ) )
par2 = pot("Omni ab coalitos pro malivolus obsecrans graviter 
cum perquisitor perquisitor pericula saepeque inmunibus coalitos ut.", 
	textItalic(font.size = 8) )

Footnote1 = Footnote( set_of_paragraphs( par1, par2 ), = parProperties(text.align = "justify") )

pot5 = pot("This is another reference" )
Footnote2 = Footnote( pot5, = parProperties(text.align = "center") )

doc = addPage( doc, "Content" )

doc = addTitle( doc, "Title example 1", level = 1 )

pot1 = "Hae duae provinciae " + pot("bello", 
	footnote = Footnote1, format = textBold(color="blue")
) + " quondam piratico catervis mixtae praedonum a Servilio pro consule missae sub 
iugum factae sunt vectigales. et hae quidem regiones velut in prominenti terrarum 
lingua positae ob orbe eoo monte Amano disparantur."

pot2 = pot("Latius iam disseminata licentia onerosus bonis omnibus Caesar nullum 
post haec adhibens modum orientis latera cuncta vexabat nec honoratis parcens 
nec urbium primatibus nec plebeiis." ) + pot(" Here is another note.", footnote = Footnote2)

# Add into the document doc
doc = addParagraph(doc, set_of_paragraphs( pot1, pot2 ) )

doc.dirname = "Footnote"

writeDoc( doc, directory = doc.dirname )
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab