ReporteRs (version 0.7.0)

addSection.docx: Insert a slide into a pptx object


Add a slide into a pptx object.


## S3 method for class 'docx':
addSection(doc, landscape = FALSE, ncol = 1,
  space_between = 0.3, columns.only = FALSE, ...)


Object of class docx where section has to be added
logical value. Specify TRUE to get a section with horizontal page.
integer number to specify how many columns the section should contains.
width in inches of the space between columns of the section.
logical value, if set to TRUE, no break page will (continuous section).
further arguments, not used.


  • an object of class docx.

See Also

docx, addSection


Run this code
doc.filename = "addSection.docx"

# set default font size to 10
options( "ReporteRs-fontsize" = 10 )

doc = docx( )
doc = addSection(doc, landscape = TRUE, ncol = 2 ) 
doc = addPlot( doc = doc, fun = function() {
		barplot( 1:8, col = 1:8 )
	}, width = 3, height = 3, pointsize = 5)

doc = addColumnBreak(doc ) 
doc = addFlexTable(doc, FlexTable(head(iris) ) )

doc = addSection(doc, ncol = 2 ) 
doc = addParagraph( doc = doc, "Text 1.", "Normal" )
doc = addColumnBreak(doc ) 
doc = addParagraph( doc = doc, "Text 2.", "Normal" )

doc = addSection(doc, ncol = 2, columns.only = TRUE ) 
doc = addFlexTable(doc, FlexTable(head(iris) ) )
doc = addColumnBreak(doc ) 
doc = addParagraph( doc = doc, "Text 3.", "Normal" )

doc = addSection(doc, ncol = 1, columns.only = TRUE ) 
doc = addFlexTable(doc, FlexTable(mtcars, add.rownames = TRUE) )
doc = addParagraph( doc = doc, "Text 4.", "Normal" )

# Write the object
writeDoc( doc, file = doc.filename )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab