Rfacebook (version 0.6.15)

getCommentReplies: Extract replies to comments on page post


getCommentReplies retrieves the list of comments replying to an individual comment on a post by a public Facebook page.


getCommentReplies(comment_id, token, n = 500, replies = TRUE,
  likes = FALSE, n.likes = n, n.replies = n, api = NULL)


A comment ID
Either a temporary access token created at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer or the OAuth token created with fbOAuth.
numeric, maximum number of replies and likes to return.
logical, default is TRUE, which will return data frame with replies to the post.
logical, default is TRUE, which will return data frame with likes for the post.
numeric, maximum number of likes to return. Default is n.
numeric, maximum number of replies to return. Default is n.
API version. e.g. "v2.8". NULL is the default.


getCommentReplies returns a list with three components: comment, replies, and likes. First, comment contains information about the original comment: author, creation date, id, counts of likes and comments, etc. Second, replies is a data frame with information about the replies to the comment (author, message, creation time, id). Finally, likes is data frame that contains names and Facebook IDs of all the users that liked the comment.

See Also

getPage, getPost


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# ## See examples for fbOAuth to know how token was created.
# ## Getting information about Facebook's Facebook Page
#  load("fb_oauth")
#  fb_page <- getPage(page="facebook", token=fb_oauth)
# ## Getting information and likes/comments about most recent post
#  post <- getPost(post=fb_page$id[1], n=2000, token=fb_oauth)
# ## Downloading list of replies to first comment
#  replies <- getCommentReplies(comment_id=post$comments$id[1], token=fb_oauth)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace