RobExtremes (version 1.2.0)

.checkEstClassForParamFamily-methods: Methods for Function .checkEstClassForParamFamily in Package `RobExtremes'





a parametric family.


an estimator.


The GParetoFamily,Estimate-method returns the estimator cast to S4 class GPDEstimate, the GParetoFamily,LDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDLDEstimate, the GParetoFamily,MCEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDMCEstimate, the GParetoFamily,kStepEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDkStepEstimate, the GParetoFamily,ORobEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDORobEstimate, the GParetoFamily,MDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDMDEstimate, the GParetoFamily,MLEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDML.ALEstimate, the GParetoFamily,CvMMDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GPDCvMMD.ALEstimate,

The GEVFamily,Estimate-method returns the estimator cast to S4 class GEVEstimate, the GEVFamily,LDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVLDEstimate, the GEVFamily,MCEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVMCEstimate, the GEVFamily,kStepEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVkStepEstimate, the GEVFamily,ORobEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVORobEstimate, the GEVFamily,MDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVMDEstimate, the GEVFamily,MLEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVML.ALEstimate, the GEVFamily,CvMMDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVCvMMD.ALEstimate,

the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,Estimate-method cast to S4 class GEVEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,LDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVLDEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,MCEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVMCEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,kStepEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVkStepstimate. the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,ORobEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVORobEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,MDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVMDEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,MLEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVML.ALEstimate, the GEVFamilyMuUnknown,CvMMDEstimate-method cast to S4 class GEVCvMMD.ALEstimate.


The respective methods can be used to cast an estimator to a model-specific subclass with particular methods.