Rsubread (version 1.22.2)

align: Read mapping for genomic DNA-seq and RNA-seq data via seed-and-vote (Subread and Subjunc)


Subread and Subjunc perform local and global alignments respectively. The seed-and-vote paradigm enables efficient and accurate alignments to be carried out.


align(index,readfile1,readfile2=NULL,type="rna",input_format="gzFASTQ",output_format="BAM", output_file=paste(readfile1,"subread",output_format,sep="."),nsubreads=10, TH1=3,TH2=1,maxMismatches=3,nthreads=1,indels=5,complexIndels=FALSE,phredOffset=33, unique=TRUE,nBestLocations=1,minFragLength=50,maxFragLength=600,PE_orientation="fr", nTrim5=0,nTrim3=0,readGroupID=NULL,readGroup=NULL,color2base=FALSE, DP_GapOpenPenalty=-1,DP_GapExtPenalty=0,DP_MismatchPenalty=0,DP_MatchScore=2, detectSV=FALSE)
subjunc(index,readfile1,readfile2=NULL,input_format="gzFASTQ",output_format="BAM", output_file=paste(readfile1,"subjunc",output_format,sep="."),nsubreads=14, TH1=1,TH2=1,maxMismatches=3,nthreads=1,indels=5,complexIndels=FALSE,phredOffset=33, unique=TRUE,nBestLocations=1,minFragLength=50,maxFragLength=600,PE_orientation="fr", nTrim5=0,nTrim3=0,readGroupID=NULL,readGroup=NULL,color2base=FALSE, reportAllJunctions=FALSE)


character string giving the basename of index file. Index files should be located in the current directory.
a character vector including names of files that include sequence reads to be aligned. For paired-end reads, this gives the list of files including first reads in each library. File format is FASTQ/FASTA by default. See input_format option for more supported formats.
a character vector giving names of files that include second reads in paired-end read data. Files included in readfile2 should be in the same order as their mate files included in readfile1 .NULL by default.
a character string or an integer giving the type of sequencing data. Possible values include rna (or 0; RNA-seq data) and dna (or 1; genomic DNA-seq data such as WGS, WES, ChIP-seq data etc.). Character strings are case insensitive.
character string specifying format of read input files. gzFASTQ by default (this also includes FASTQ, FASTA and gzipped FASTA formats). Other supported formats include SAM and BAM. Character values are case insensitive.
character string specifying format of output file. BAM by default. Acceptable formats include SAM and BAM.
a character vector specifying names of output files. By default, names of output files are set as the file names provided in readfile1 added with an suffix string.
numeric value giving the number of subreads extracted from each read.
numeric value giving the consensus threshold for reporting a hit. This is the threshold for the first reads if paired-end read data are provided.
numeric value giving the consensus threhold for the second reads in paired-end data.
numeric value giving the maximum number of mis-matched bases allowed in the alignment. 3 by default. Mis-matches found in soft-clipped bases are not counted.
numeric value giving the number of threads used for mapping. 1 by default.
numeric value giving the maximum number of insertions/deletions allowed during the mapping. 5 by default.
logical indicating if complex indels will be detected. If TRUE, the program will try to detect multiple short indels that occurs concurrently in a small genomic region (indels could be as close as 1bp apart).
numeric value added to base-calling Phred scores to make quality scores (represented as ASCII letters). Possible values include 33 and 64. By default, 33 is used.
logical indicating if uniquely mapped reads should be reported only. TRUE by default. Uniquely mapped reads must have one (1) mapping location that has less mis-matched bases than other candidate locations.
numeric value giving the maximal number of equally-best mapping locations allowed to be reported for the read. 1 by default. The allowed value is between 1 to 16 (inclusive). `NH' tag is used to indicate how many alignments are reported for the read and `HI' tag is used for numbering the alignments reported for the same read, in the output. Note that the unique argument takes precedence over nBestLocations argument.
numeric value giving the minimum fragment length. 50 by default.
numeric value giving the maximum fragment length. 600 by default.
character string giving the orientation of the two reads from the same pair. It has three possible values including fr, ff and rf. Letter f denotes the forward strand and letter r the reverse strand. fr by default (ie. the first read in the pair is on the forward strand and the second read on the reverse strand).
numeric value giving the number of bases trimmed off from 5' end of each read. 0 by default.
numeric value giving the number of bases trimmed off from 3' end of each read. 0 by default.
a character string giving the read group ID. The specified string is added to the read group header field and also be added to each read in the mapping output. NULL by default.
a character string in the format of tag:value. This string will be added to the read group (RG) header in the mapping output. NULL by default.
logical. If TRUE, color-space read bases will be converted to base-space bases in the mapping output. Note that the mapping itself will still be performed at color-space. FALSE by default.
a numeric value giving the penalty for opening a gap when using the Smith-Waterman dynamic programming algorithm to detect insertions and deletions. The Smith-Waterman algorithm is only applied for those reads which are found to contain insertions or deletions. -1 by default.
a numeric value giving the penalty for extending the gap, used by the Smith-Waterman algorithm. 0 by default.
a numeric value giving the penalty for mismatches, used by the Smith-Waterman algorithm. 0 by default.
a numeric value giving the score for matches used by the Smith-Waterman algorithm. 2 by default.
logical indicating if structural variants (SVs) will be detected during read mapping. See below for more details.
logical indicating if all possible junctions and structural variants will be reported. Presence of donor/receptor sites is not required for junction calling. This argument should be used for RNA-seq data.


No value is produced but SAM or BAM format files are written to the current working directory. For Subjunc, BED files including discovered exon-exon junctions are also written to the current working directory.


The align function implements the Subread aligner (Liao et al., 2013) that uses a new mapping paradigm called ``seed-and-vote". Subread is general-purpose aligner that can be used to align both genomic DNA-seq reads and RNA-seq reads.

Subjunc is designed for mapping RNA-seq reads. The major difference between Subjunc and Subread is that Subjunc reports discovered exon-exon junctions and it also performs full alignments for every read including exon-spanning reads. Subread uses the largest mappable regions in the reads to find their mapping locations. The seed-and-vote paradigm has been found to be not only more accurate than the conventional seed-and-extend (adopted by most aligners) in read mapping, but it is a lot more efficient (Liao et al., 2013).

Both Subread and Subjunc can be used to align reads generated from major sequencing platforms including Illumina GA/HiSeq, ABI SOLiD, Roche 454 and Ion Torrent sequencers. Note that to map color-space reads (e.g. SOLiD reads), a color-space index should be built for the reference genome (see buildindex for details).

Subread and Subjunc have adjustable memory usage. See buildindex function for more details.

Mapping performance is largely determined by the number of subreads extracted from each read nsubreads and the consensus threshold TH1 (also TH2 for paired-end read data). Default settings are recommended for most of the read mapping tasks.

Subjunc requires donor/receptor sites to be present when detecting exon-exon junctions. It can detect up to four junction locations in each exon-spanning read.

detectSV option should be used for SV detection in genomic DNA sequencing data. For RNA-seq data, users may use subjunc with the reportAllJunctions option to detect SVs (and also junctions). For each library, breakpoints detected from SV events will be saved to a file with suffix name `.breakpoints.txt', which includes chromosomal coordinates of SV breakpoints and numbers of supporting reads. The BAM/SAM output includes extra fields to describe the complete alignments of breakpoint-containing reads. For a breakpoint-containing read, mapping of its major sequence segment is described in the main fields of BAM/SAM ouptut whereas mapping of its minor sequence segment, which does not map along with the major segment due to the presence of a breakpoint, is described in the extra fields including `CC'(Chr), `CP'(Position),`CG'(CIGAR) and `CT'(strand). Note that each breakpoint-containing read occupies only one row in BAM/SAM output.


Yang Liao, Gordon K Smyth and Wei Shi. The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping by seed-and-vote. Nucleic Acids Research, 41(10):e108, 2013.


Run this code
# Build an index for the artificial sequence included in file 'reference.fa'.
ref <- system.file("extdata","reference.fa",package="Rsubread")

# align a sample read dataset ('reads.txt') to the sample reference
reads <- system.file("extdata","reads.txt.gz",package="Rsubread")

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace