S4Vectors (version 0.10.1)

FilterRules-class: Collection of Filter Rules


A FilterRules object is a collection of filter rules, which can be either expression or function objects. Rules can be disabled/enabled individually, facilitating experimenting with different combinations of filters.



It is common to split a dataset into subsets during data analysis. When data is large, however, representing subsets (e.g. by logical vectors) and storing them as copies might become too costly in terms of space. The FilterRules class represents subsets as lightweight expression and/or function objects. Subsets can then be calculated when needed (on the fly). This avoids copying and storing a large number of subsets. Although it might take longer to frequently recalculate a subset, it often is a relatively fast operation and the space savings tend to be more than worth it when data is large.

Rules may be either expressions or functions. Evaluating an expression or invoking a function should result in a logical vector. Expressions are often more convenient, but functions (i.e. closures) are generally safer and more powerful, because the user can specify the enclosing environment. If a rule is an expression, it is evaluated inside the envir argument to the eval method (see below). If a function, it is invoked with envir as its only argument. See examples.

See Also

FilterMatrix objects for storing the logical output of a set of FilterRules objects.


Run this code
## constructing a FilterRules instance

## an empty set of filters
filters <- FilterRules()
## as a simple character vector
filts <- c("peaks", "promoters")
filters <- FilterRules(filts)
active(filters) # all TRUE

## with functions and expressions
filts <- list(peaks = expression(peaks), promoters = expression(promoters),
              find_eboxes = function(rd) rep(FALSE, nrow(rd)))
filters <- FilterRules(filts, active = FALSE)
active(filters) # all FALSE

## direct, quoted args (character literal parsed)
filters <- FilterRules(under_peaks = peaks, in_promoters = "promoters")
filts <- list(under_peaks = expression(peaks),
              in_promoters = expression(promoters))

## specify both exprs and additional args
filters <- FilterRules(filts, diffexp = de)

filts <- c("promoters", "peaks", "introns")
filters <- FilterRules(filts)

## evaluation
df <- DataFrame(peaks = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
                promoters = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
                introns = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
eval(filters, df)
fm <- evalSeparately(filters, df)
identical(filterRules(fm), filters)
summary(fm, percent = TRUE)
fm <- evalSeparately(filters, df, serial = TRUE)

## set the active state directly
active(filters) <- FALSE # all FALSE
active(filters) <- TRUE # all TRUE
active(filters) <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
active(filters)["promoters"] <- TRUE # use a filter name
## toggle the active state by name or index
active(filters) <- c(NA, 2) # NA's are dropped
active(filters) <- c("peaks", NA)

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