S4Vectors (version 0.10.1)

Hits-class: Hits objects


The Hits class is a container for representing a set of hits between a set of left nodes and a set of right nodes. Note that only the hits are stored in the object. No information about the left or right nodes is stored, except their number.

For example, the findOverlaps function, defined and documented in the IRanges package, returns the hits between the query and subject arguments in a Hits object.


## Constructor functions

Hits(from=integer(0), to=integer(0), nLnode=0L, nRnode=0L, ..., sort.by.query=FALSE)

SelfHits(from=integer(0), to=integer(0), nnode=0L, ..., sort.by.query=FALSE)


from, to
2 integer vectors of the same length. The values in from must be >= 1 and <= nLnode. The values in to must be >= 1 and <= nRnode.
nLnode, nRnode
Number of left and right nodes.
Metadata columns to set on the Hits object. All the metadata columns must be vector-like objects of the same length as from and to.
Should the hits in the returned object be sorted by query? If yes, then a SortedByQueryHits object is returned (SortedByQueryHits is a subclass of Hits).
Number of nodes.

See Also

  • Hits-comparisonfor comparing and ordering hits.
  • ThefindOverlapsfunction in theIRangespackage which returns SortedByQueryHits object.
  • Hits-examplesin theIRangespackage, for some examples of Hits object basic manipulation.
  • setops-methodsin theIRangespackage, for set operations on Hits objects.


Run this code
from <- c(5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2)
to <- c(11, 15, 5, 4, 5, 11)
id <- letters[1:6]

Hits(from, to, 7, 15, id)
Hits(from, to, 7, 15, id, sort.by.query=TRUE)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## selectHits()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x <- c("a", "b", "a", "c", "d")
table <- c("a", "e", "d", "a", "a", "d")
hits <- findMatches(x, table)  # sorts the hits by query

selectHits(hits, select="all")  # no-op
selectHits(hits, select="first")
selectHits(hits, select="last")
selectHits(hits, select="arbitrary")
selectHits(hits, select="count")

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## remapHits()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Lnodes.remapping <- factor(c(a="A", b="B", c="C", d="D")[x],
remapHits(hits, Lnodes.remapping=Lnodes.remapping)

## See ?`Hits-examples` in the IRanges package for more examples of basic
## manipulation of Hits objects.

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## SelfHits objects
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

hits2 <- SelfHits(c(2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4), c(4, 3, 2:4, 2, 2:3, 2), 4)
## Hits 2 and 4 are self hits (from 3rd node to itself):
## Hits 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9, are redundant hits:

hits3 <- findMatches(x)
hits3[!(isSelfHit(hits3) | isRedundantHit(hits3))]

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