## R version of the example given in TS-140
## manually create a data set
abc <- data.frame( x=c(1, 2, NA, NA ), y=c('a', 'B', NA, '*' ) )
## look at it
## add a format specifier (not used by R)
SASformat(abc$x) <- 'date7.'
## add a variable label (not used by R)
Hmisc::label(abc$y) <- 'character variable'
## add a dataset label and type
Hmisc::label(abc) <- 'Simple example'
SAStype(abc) <- 'MYTYPE'
## verify the additions
# create a SAS XPORT file
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".dat")
write.xport( abc, file = tmp )
# list the contents of the file
## Not run:
# lookup.xport(tmp)
# ## End(Not run)
## reload the data
xxx.abc <- read.xport(tmp)
## and look at it
## Check the label and type
## Note that the variable names and SAS dataset type have been converted
## to uppercase
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