⚠️There's a newer version (1.4.1) of this package. Take me there.
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SciencesPo is a facility package for the political science crowd. It provides a variety of functions for analyzing random and nonrandom data. The package lives on the R Foundation repository (CRAN), and its development version hosted on Github. To install it, you can use the following methods.

1 - From the CRAN repository (stable version):

install.packages('SciencesPo', dep=TRUE)


2 - You can install the latest development version using the nifty function from devtools package.


3 - Or download the sources in a zip file and build manually. To do so, please unzip the file to an empty dir and run the following commands there:

R CMD build SciencesPo
R CMD INSTALL SciencesPo_*.tar.gz

Please note that the package contains some C code and thus you need a development environment to build the package. If you're running R on Windows, you need to install Rtools. Once you have installed Rtools, issue following command in command prompt:

R CMD build --binary <path to .tar.gz file>
R CMD INSTALL <path to .zip file>

Helping Out

SciencesPo is intended to be a useful project for the social sciences community. Contributions are welcome.

If you're familar with GitHub and R packages, feel free to submit a pull request. If you'd like to report a bug or make a suggestion, please create a GitHub issue; issues are a usually a good place to ask public questions too.


For a brief introduction to SciencesPo functionality, run:


To see what functions are implemented in SciencesPo, run:



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GPL (>= 2)

Last Published

June 8th, 2016

Functions in SciencesPo (1.4.0)