SourceSet (version 0.1.5)

sourceSet: Source Set


Identify the sets of variables that are potential sources of differential behavior, (i.e., the primary genes) between two experimental conditions. The two experimental conditions are associated to a set of graphs, where each graph represents the topology of a biological pathway.


  seed = NULL,
  theta = 1,
  permute = TRUE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  shrink = FALSE,
  return.permutations = FALSE


The output of the function is an object of the sourceSetList class. It contains as many lists as the input graphs, and each of them provides the following variables:

  • primarySet: a character vector containing the names of the variables belonging to the estimated source set (primary dysregulation);

  • secondarySet: a character vector containing the names of the variables belonging to the estimated secondary set (secondary dysregulation);

  • orderingSet: a list of character vectors containing the names of the variables belonging to the estimated source set of each ordering; the union of these elements contains all genes affected by some form of perturbation;

  • Components: a data frame that contains information about unique tests, including their associated p-values;

  • Decompositions: a list of data frames, one for each identified ordering. Each data frame is a subset of size k (i.e., number of cliques), of the Components elements

  • Elements: cliques and separators of the underlying decomposable graph. See Graph

  • Thresholds: a list with information regarding the multiple testing correction:

    • alpha: the input (nominal) significance level;

    • value: the corrected threshold that ensures the control of FWER at level alpha;

    • type: the used procedure (minP or maxT);

    • iterations: the number of iterations for the step-down procedure;

    • nperms: the number of permutations.

  • Graph: decomposable graph used in the analysis. It may differ from the input graph. In fact, if the input graph is not decomposable, the function will internally moralize and triangulate it.



a list of graphNEL objects representing the pathways to be analyzed.


a matrix of expression levels with column names for genes and row names for samples; gene names must be unique.


a vector of length equal to the number of rows of data. It indicates the class (condition) of each statistical unit. Only two classes, labeled as 1 and 2, are allowed;


integer value to get a reproducible random result. See Random.


positive numeric value greater then 1, that defines the number of permutation. If permute=TRUE, (m/alpha x theta) permutations are used, where m is the number of unique conditional tests to be performed; otherwise, (1/alpha x theta) permutations are supplied.


if TRUE permutation p-values are provided; if FALSE, asymptotic p-values are returned. NOTE: even if the argument permute is set to FALSE the function will permute the dataset; these permutations will be used to calculate the adjusted cut-off for the asymptotic p-values.


the p-value threshold. Denotes the level at which FWER is controlled for each input graph.


if TRUE, regularized estimation of the covariance matrices is performed; otherwise, maximum likelihood estimations is used.


if TRUE, the function returns the matrix of test statistic values for the supplied (first row) and the permutated datasets.


The sourceSet approach models the data of the same pathway in two different experimental conditions as realizations of two Gaussian graphical models sharing the same decomposable graph G. Here, G = (V,E) is obtained from the pathway topology conversion, where V and E represent genes and biochemical reactions, respectively.

We give full freedom to the user in providing the underlying graph G, requiring only a specific input format (i.e., a graphNEL object). So, the user can provide a list of manually curated pathways or use developed software to translate the bases of knowledge. To date, the most complete software available for this task is graphite R package (Sales et al. 2017).

The source set algorithm infers the set of primary genes (i.e., the source set) following - for each graph - five steps:

  • decompose graph G in the set of the maximal cliques and the set of separators.

  • identify the cliques orderings, and the associated separators, that satisfy the running intersection property, using each cliques as root. See ripAllRootsClique.

  • a) calculate marginal test statistics for the cliques and the separators, for both the original and the permutated datasets; b) compute the conditional test statistics for the unique components, calculated as the difference between clique and separator marginal test statistics; c) control the FWER, using the test statistics matrix of the previous point.

  • make the union of the sets of variables belonging to cliques that are associated to a significant test, within each decomposition.

  • derive the source set, defined as the intersection of the set of variables obtained in step 4 across decompositions.

Although the interpretation of the source set for a single graph is intuitive, the interpretation of the collection of results associated to a set of pathways might be complex. For this reason, we propose a guideline for the meta-analysis providing descriptive statistics and predefined plots. See, infoSource, easyLookSource, sourceSankeyDiagram, sourceCytoscape and sourceUnionCytoscape.


Sales, G. et al. (2017). graphite: GRAPH Interaction from pathway Topological Environment, r package version 1.22.0 edition.

Westfall, P. and Young, S. (2017). Resampling-based multiple testing : examples and methods for p-value adjustment. Wiley.

Djordjilovic, Vera and Chiogna, Monica (2022) Searching for a source of difference in graphical models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 190, 104973

Salviato, E. et al. (2019). SourceSet: a graphical model approach to identify primary genes in perturbed biological pathways. PLoS computational biology 15 (10), e1007357.

See Also

pathways, infoSource, easyLookSource, sourceSankeyDiagram, sourceCytoscape and sourceUnionCytoscape