SweaveListingUtils (version 0.2)

SweaveListingPreparations: SweaveListingPreparations


helping tool for writing the corresponding TeX preamble commands to integrate Sweave and package listings


SweaveListingPreparations(LineLength = 80,
   Rset = getSweaveListingOption("Rset"),
   Rdset = getSweaveListingOption("Rdset"),
   Rcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rcolor"),
   Rbcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rbcolor"), 
   Rout = getSweaveListingOption("Rout"),
   Rcomment = getSweaveListingOption("Rcomment"),
   pkg = getSweaveListingOption("pkg"),
   pkv = getSweaveListingOption("pkv"),
   lib.loc = NULL)


numeric; defaults to 80
list or taglist; defaults to global option "Rset"
list or taglist; defaults to global option "Rdset"
numeric of length 3; defaults to global option "Rcolor"; rgb coordinates of the color in which to print R-code
numeric of length 3; defaults to global option "Rbcolor"; rgb coordinates of the color in which to print Rkeywords induced by intermediate packages.
numeric of length 3; defaults to global option "Rout"; rgb coordinates of the color in which to print R output
numeric of length 3; defaults to global option "Rcomment"; rgb coordinates of the color in which to print comments in R-code
character; name of the packageto be described (e.g. in a vignette); defaults to global option "pkg"
character; package version to be described (e.g. in a vignette); defaults to global option "pkv"
location of a local library in which the described package resides


  • invisible()


SweaveListingPreparations writes a corresponding preamble to the .Rnw-file for the simultaneous use of Sweave and package listings; note that the lines \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE} still have to appear in the .Rnw file --- before the corresponding SweaveListingPreparations-chunk. The TeX code inserted by SweaveListingPreparations sets colors, requires TeX-package listings, defines listings-settings for .R- and .Rd-code. For .Rd files it uses a new 'listings'-language definition file, Rdlisting.sty to be found in subfolder TeX in the SweaveListingUtils package folder. SweaveListingPreparations is to be called in an .Rnw file and [re-]defines Sinput, Soutput, Scode environments for use with TeX-package listings, defines commands \code, \file, \pkg and sets the corresponding package version. The default values are taken from SweaveListingOptions. The output to stdout can be captured in an .Rnw file as << lstPreamble, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>= require(SweaveListingUtils) SweaveListingPreparations() @ to insert the corresponding preamble parts to the produced TeX file. If you one want to use destinct keywordstyles for packages loaded by require or library without adding extra arguments to these commands (and hence displaying the actual Rcode), you have to set up a global formatting matrix .tobeDefinedPkgs by setToBeDefinedPkgs.


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