SweaveListingUtils (version 0.3.3)

lstset: lstset and friends


Functions for defining how listings prints R and Rd source code


lstset(taglist, LineLength = getOption("width"), startS = "\\lstset{")
lstsetR(Rset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"), add = getSweaveListingOption("addRset"),
        startS = "\\lstset{")
lstsetRd(Rdset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"), add = getSweaveListingOption("addRdset"),
         startS = "\\lstset{")
lstsetRin(Rinset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"), add = getSweaveListingOption("addRinset"),
        startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{")
lstsetRout(Routset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"), add = getSweaveListingOption("addRoutset"),
        startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{")
lstsetRcode(Rcodeset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"), add = getSweaveListingOption("addRcodeset"),
        startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{")


numeric number of characters per line for lstset and friends; defaults to getOption("width")
S3-object of class taglist; arguments for \lstset of TeX package listings.
object of S3-class taglist or named list of characters; the listings settings for R-code (for \lstset); defaults to NULL.
object of S3-class taglist or named list of characters; the listings settings for R-code in environment Sinput; defaults to NULL.
object of S3-class taglist or named list of characters; the listings settings for R-code in environment Soutput; defaults to NULL.
object of S3-class taglist or named list of characters; the listings settings for R-code in environment Scode; defaults to NULL.
object of S3-class taglist or named list of characters; the listings settings for Rd-code (for \lstset); defaults to NULL.
boolean; defaults to TRUE; if TRUE, argument list Rset resp. Rdset will be appended to default value lists getSweaveListingOption("Rset") resp.
character; defaults to "\\lstset{"; what to do by default we use \lstset; an alternative is to use \lstdefinestyle which amounts to "\\lstdefinestyle{".


  • invisible()


lstset writes out to stdout a call to TeX command \lstset{arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2, .....} and doing so respects a maximal number of characters per line and does not break arg=val tags. lstsetR and lstsetRd expect either objects of S3 class taglist, or lists of named characters as first arguments, which in the latter case are then converted to taglist; both lstsetR and lstsetRd use particular default values to define R resp. Rd output format. More specifically for R code, it uses getSweaveListingOption("Rset"), and for Rd code, it getSweaveListingOption("Rdset"); lstsetRin, lstsetRout, and lstsetRcode are corresponding specialized commands for 'listings' environments Sinput, Soutput, and Scode, respectively. The output to stdout can be captured in an .Rnw file as << lstsetR, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>= lstsetR() @ to insert the corresponding \lstset command to the produced TeX file.


Run this code
lstset(taglist(A="H", b=2, 3),30)
lstset(taglist(A="H", b=2, 3),30, startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab