SweaveListingUtils (version 0.4.4)

SweaveListingUtils-package: Package SweaveListingUtils


Package SweaveListingUtils provides utilities for defining R/ Rd as TeX-package-listings "language" and including R/ .Rd source file (sniplets) copied from an url, by default from svn server at R-forge in its most recent version, thereby avoiding inconsistencies between vignette and documented source code



lstset lstsetR lstsetRd SweaveListingPreparations readSourceFromRForge copySourceFromRForge lstinputSourceFromRForge readPkgVersion SweaveListingOptions getSweaveListingOption SweaveListingoptions SweaveListingMASK setToBeDefinedPkgs lstsetLanguage changeKeywordstyles library require

S3 classes and methods

taglist print.taglist

Example - .Rnw vignette file

An example .Rnw file, ExampleSweaveListingUtils.Rnw, may be found in the doc folder of this package.


ll{ Package: SweaveListingUtils Version: 0.4.4 Date: 2010-04-19 Depends: R(>= 2.10.0), startupmsg LazyLoad: yes License: LGPL-3 } TeX-package listings, confer http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listings/, http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listings/listings.pdf offers a very powerful setup for typesetting [program] code in TeX. For quite some time there has already been a corresponding language definition for R. We enhance this definition and also introduce a corresponding "language" definition file to typeset .Rd code (file Rdlistings.sty in the TeX subfolder of this package, which is according to Duncan Murdoch's ``Parsing Rd Files'' as of Jan. 1 2010.). In recent versions listings also cooperates with TeX package fancyvrb, so it can be configured to enhance Sweave typesetting. Just as a first simple example, comments are recognized automatically and hence typeset in particular format. For pretty printing, or moreover literate programming, with SweaveListingUtils, assignment operators <- and <<-< code=""> get typeset by one symbol each. For a corresponding TeX preamble combining Sweave and listings, we provide command SweaveListingPreparations. As for the Rlanguage definition, we allow for different keywordstyles to typeset symbols from different packages. This is useful to distinguish mark-up for newly defined functions and alread existing ones. More specifically, whenever in some Rcode sniplet in some Sweave chunk, there is some library or require command, the corresponding symbols found by ls() afterwords in some search() entry position, are registered as (printed as 5 items per line) as a new "higher order" group of keywords by corresponding \lstdefinestyle{RstyleO}% RstyleO is the current order of Rstyle {style = RstyleO, morekeywords=[]{ },% sensitive=true,% keywordstyle=[],% % [ possibly more morekeywords=[]{ },% sensitive=true,% keywordstyle=[],% % .... ] } \lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style = RstyleO} TeX directives in the automatically generated .tex file where is incremented (resp. gets looked up from the global, non-exported variable .alreadyDefinedPkgs in the package name space) at each instance of a library or require command; an analogue incrementation present in is done for subsequent (incremental) redefinitions of style Rstyle, which is controlled by the again non-exported global variable .numberofRequires. and will in general differ, as in one call to require/library, several packages may be registered at once. To this end commands library and require are masked. See also lstsetLanguage, changeKeywordstyles, and setToBeDefinedPkgs As for the integration of code sniplets from an url (by default, we use the svn server at R-forge in its most recent version), this can be useful to stay consistent with the current version of the code without having to update vignettes all the time. To this end, besides referencing by line numbers, lstinputSourceFromRForge also offers referencing by matching regular expressions.