TCGAbiolinks (version 1.2.5)

TCGAdownload: Download the data from TCGA using as reference the output from TCGAquery


The TCGAdownload function will download the data using as reference the the lines of the TCGAquery search result.

There is an option to download the entire tar.gz folder or download specific files using the type parameter or the samples parameter

The outpufiles will be saved into the path parameters. If this path does not exists the package will try to create the directories.

By default, if a sample was already downloaded the function will not download again, unless the force parameter is set to TRUE


TCGAdownload(data = NULL, path = ".", type = NULL, samples = NULL, force = FALSE)


The TCGAquery output
Directory to save the downloaded data
Filter the files that will be downloaded by type. Example:"rsem.genes.results"
List of samples to download data
Download files even if it was already downladed? Default: FALSE


Download TCGA data into the given path

See Also

TCGAquery for searching the data to download

TCGAprepare for preparing the data for the user into a Summarized experiment object, or a matrix.

Other data.functions: TCGAprepare, TCGAquery


Run this code
samples <- c("TCGA-26-1442-01A-01R-1850-01")
query <- TCGAquery(tumor = "gbm",
                   platform = "IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2",
                   level = "3",
                   samples = samples)
TCGAdownload(query,path = "RNA",
             samples = samples,
             type ="rsem.genes.results")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab