TreeDist (version 1.1.1)

Robinson-Foulds: Robinson-Foulds distances, with adjustments for phylogenetic information content


Calculate the Robinson-Foulds distance, or the equivalent similarity measure, with options to (i) annotate matched splits; (ii) weight splits according to their phylogenetic information content (Smith 2020).


  tree2 = tree1,
  similarity = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  reportMatching = FALSE

InfoRobinsonFouldsSplits( splits1, splits2, nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"), reportMatching = FALSE )

RobinsonFoulds( tree1, tree2 = tree1, similarity = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, reportMatching = FALSE )

RobinsonFouldsMatching( tree1, tree2 = tree1, similarity = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, ... )

RobinsonFouldsSplits( splits1, splits2, nTip = attr(splits1, "nTip"), reportMatching = FALSE )



Trees of class phylo, with leaves labelled identically, or lists of such trees to undergo pairwise comparison.


Trees of class phylo, with leaves labelled identically, or lists of such trees to undergo pairwise comparison.


Logical specifying whether to report the result as a tree similarity, rather than a difference.


If a numeric value is provided, this will be used as a maximum value against which to rescale results. If TRUE, results will be rescaled against a maximum value calculated from the specified tree sizes and topology, as specified in the 'Normalization' section below. If FALSE, results will not be rescaled.


Logical specifying whether to return the clade matchings as an attribute of the score.


Logical matrices where each row corresponds to a leaf, either listed in the same order or bearing identical names (in any sequence), and each column corresponds to a split, such that each leaf is identified as a member of the ingroup (TRUE) or outgroup (FALSE) of the respective split.


Logical matrices where each row corresponds to a leaf, either listed in the same order or bearing identical names (in any sequence), and each column corresponds to a split, such that each leaf is identified as a member of the ingroup (TRUE) or outgroup (FALSE) of the respective split.


(Optional) Integer specifying the number of leaves in each split.

Not used.


RobinsonFoulds() and InfoRobinsonFoulds() return an array of numerics providing the distances between each pair of trees in tree1 and tree2, or splits1 and splits2.



  • RobinsonFoulds() is normalized against the total number of splits that are present.

  • InfoRobinsonFoulds() is normalized against the sum of the phylogenetic information of all splits in both trees, treated independently.


Note that if reportMatching = TRUE, the pairScores attribute returns a logical matrix specifying whether each pair of splits is identical.

InfoRobinsonFoulds() calculates the tree similarity or distance by summing the phylogenetic information content of all splits that are (or are not) identical in both trees. Consequently, splits that are more likely to be identical by chance alone make a smaller contribution to overall tree distance, because their similarity is less remarkable.





See Also

Display paired splits: VisualizeMatching()

Other tree distances: JaccardRobinsonFoulds(), KendallColijn(), MASTSize(), MatchingSplitDistance(), NNIDist(), NyeSimilarity(), PathDist(), SPRDist(), TreeDistance()


Run this code
 # For BalancedTree, PectinateTree, as.phylo:
library('TreeTools', quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
balanced7 <- BalancedTree(7)
pectinate7 <- PectinateTree(7)
RobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7)
RobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7, normalize = TRUE)
VisualizeMatching(RobinsonFouldsMatching, balanced7, pectinate7)

InfoRobinsonFoulds(balanced7, pectinate7)
VisualizeMatching(InfoRobinsonFoulds, balanced7, pectinate7)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab