TreeSearch (version 1.5.0)

ConcordantInformation: Evaluate the concordance of information between a tree and a dataset


Details the amount of information in a phylogenetic dataset that is consistent with a specified phylogenetic tree, and the signal:noise ratio of the character matrix implied if the tree is true.


ConcordantInformation(tree, dataset)

Evaluate(tree, dataset)

ConcordantInfo(tree, dataset)


ConcordantInformation() returns a named vector with elements:

  • informationContent: cladistic information content of dataset

  • signal, noise: amount of cladistic information that represents phylogenetic signal and noise, according to tree

  • signalToNoise: the implied signal:noise ratio of dataset

  • treeInformation: the cladistic information content of a bifurcating tree on dataset; this is the minimum amount of information necessary to resolve a bifurcating tree, assuming no duplicate information or noise

  • matrixToTree: the ratio of the cladistic information content of the matrix to the cladistic information content of the tree, a measure of the redundancy of the matrix

  • ignored: information content of characters whose signal and noise could not be calculated (too many states) and so are not included in the totals above.



A tree of class phylo.


A phylogenetic data matrix of phangorn class phyDat, whose names correspond to the labels of any accompanying tree.


Presently restricted to datasets whose characters contain a maximum of two parsimony-informative states.


Run this code
myMatrix <- congreveLamsdellMatrices[[10]]
ConcordantInformation(TreeTools::NJTree(myMatrix), myMatrix)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab