TreeSearch (version 1.5.0)

TBR: Tree bisection and reconnection (TBR)


TBR performs a single random TBR iteration.


TBR(tree, edgeToBreak = NULL, mergeEdges = NULL)

TBRMoves(tree, edgeToBreak = integer(0))

# S3 method for phylo TBRMoves(tree, edgeToBreak = integer(0))

# S3 method for matrix TBRMoves(tree, edgeToBreak = integer(0))

TBRSwap( parent, child, nEdge = length(parent), edgeToBreak = NULL, mergeEdges = NULL )

RootedTBR(tree, edgeToBreak = NULL, mergeEdges = NULL)

RootedTBRSwap( parent, child, nEdge = length(parent), edgeToBreak = NULL, mergeEdges = NULL )


TBR() returns a tree in phyDat format that has undergone one TBR iteration.

TBRMoves() returns a multiPhylo object listing all trees one TBR move away from tree, with edges and nodes in preorder, rooted on the first-labelled tip.

a list containing two elements, corresponding in turn to the rearranged parent and child parameters



A bifurcating tree of class phylo, with all nodes resolved;


(optional) integer specifying the index of an edge to bisect/prune, generated randomly if not specified. Alternatively, set to -1 to return a complete list of all trees one step from the input tree.


(optional) vector of length 1 or 2, listing edge(s) to be joined: In SPR, this is where the pruned subtree will be reconnected. In TBR, these edges will be reconnected (so must be on opposite sides of edgeToBreak); if only a single edge is specified, the second will be chosen at random


Integer vector corresponding to the first column of the edge matrix of a tree of class phylo, i.e. tree$edge[, 1].


Integer vector corresponding to the second column of the edge matrix of a tree of class phylo, i.e. tree$edge[, 2].


(optional) Number of edges.


  • TBRSwap(): faster version that takes and returns parent and child parameters

  • RootedTBR(): Perform TBR rearrangement, retaining position of root

  • RootedTBRSwap(): faster version that takes and returns parent and child parameters


Branch lengths are not (yet) supported.

All nodes in a tree must be bifurcating; and ape::multi2di may help.


The TBR algorithm is summarized in Felsenstein2004TreeSearch

See Also

RootedTBR(): useful when the position of the root node should be retained.

Other tree rearrangement functions: NNI(), SPR()


Run this code
tree <- rtree(20, br=NULL)

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