TreeTools (version 0.1.3)

Cladewise: Reorder trees


A wrapper for ape:::.reorder_ape. Calling this C function directly is approximately twice as fast as using ape::cladewise or ape::postorder


Cladewise(tree, nTip = NULL, edge = tree$edge)

ApePostorder(tree, nTip = length(tree$tip.label), edge = tree$edge)

Postorder(tree, force = FALSE)


Pruningwise(tree, nTip = length(tree$tip.label), edge = tree$edge)




A tree of class phylo.


Integer specifying number of tips (leaves).


(optional) the value of tree$edge


Logical specifying whether to rearrange trees already in postorder, in order to ensure TreeTools edge ordering.


A matrix with two columns, with each row listing the parent and child node of an edge in a phylogenetic tree. Property edge of objects of class phylo.


A tree of class phylo with nodes following the specified numbering scheme.


  • ApePostorder: Reorder tree in Postorder using ape's postorder function, which is robust to unconventional node numbering

  • Postorder: Reorder tree in Postorder. Edge lengths are not retained.

  • PostorderEdges: Reorder edges in Postorder.

  • Pruningwise: Reorder tree Pruningwise

  • Preorder: Reorder tree in Preorder (special case of cladewise)


For Cladewise, Postorder and Pruningwise, all nodes must be binary; and ape::multi2di may help.

Preorder is more robust: it supports polytomies, nodes can be numbered in any sequence, and edges can be listed in any order in the input tree. It has a unique output for each tree topology, allowing unique trees to be detected by comparing sorted edge matrices alone.

A tree in preorder is numbered starting from the root node. Each node is numbered in the sequence in which it is encountered, and each edge is listed in the sequence in which it is visited.

Child edges of a node are sorted from left to right in order of the smallest descendant tip; i.e. an edge leading to tip 1 will be to the left of an edge leading to a subtree that contains tip 2.

Numbering begins by following the leftmost edge of the root node, and sorting its descendant subtree into preorder. Then, the next edge at the root node is followed, and its descendants sorted into preorder, until each edge has been visited.

Postorder is modified from the ape function to return a specific order: edges are listed from the node that subtends the smallest subtree to the one that subtends the largest (i.e. the root node), with all of a node's descendant edges listed adjacently. If a tree is already in postorder, it will not be rearranged unless force = TRUE, or PostorderEdges is employed.

See Also

Other C wrappers: Neworder, RenumberTree