TreeTools (version 0.1.3)

TreeNumber: Unique integer indices for bifurcating tree topologies


Functions converting between phylogenetic trees and their unique decimal representation.


as.TreeNumber(x, ...)

# S3 method for phylo as.TreeNumber(x, ...)

# S3 method for multiPhylo as.TreeNumber(x, ...)

# S3 method for character as.TreeNumber(x, nTip, tipLabels = TipLabels(nTip), ...)

# S3 method for numeric as.phylo(x, nTip = attr(x, "nTip"), tipLabels = attr(x, "tip.label"), ...)

# S3 method for TreeNumber as.phylo(x, nTip = attr(x, "nTip"), tipLabels = attr(x, "tip.label"), ...)



Integer identifying the tree (see details).

Additional parameters for consistency with S3 methods (unused).


Integer specifying number of tips in the tree.


Character vector listing the labels assigned to each tip in a tree, perhaps obtained using TipLabels.


as.phylo.numeric returns a tree of class phylo.

as.TreeNumber returns an object of class TreeNumber, which comprises a numeric vector, whose elements represent successive nine-digit chunks of the decimal integer corresponding to the tree topology (in big endian order). The TreeNumber object has attributes nTip and tip.labels.


There are NUnrooted(n) unrooted trees with n tips. As such, each n-tip tree can be uniquely identifyed by a non-negative integer x < NUnrooted(n).

This integer can be converted by a tree by treating it as a mixed-base number, with bases 1, 3, 5, 7, ... (2_n_ - 5).

Each digit of this mixed base number corresponds to a tip, and determines the location on a growing tree to which that tip should be added.

We start with a two-tip tree, and treat 0 as the origin of the tree.

0 ---- 1

We add tip 2 by breaking an edge and inserting a node (numbered 2 + nTip - 1). In this example, we'll work up to a six-tip tree; this node will be numbered 2 + 6 - 1 = 7. There is only one edge on which tip 2 can be added. Let's add node 7 and tip 2:

0 ---- 7 ---- 1

There are now three edges on which tip 3 can be added. Our options are: Option 0: the edge leading to 1; Option 1: the edge leading to 2; Option 2: the edge leading to 7.

If we select option 1, we produce:

0 ---- 7 ---- 1
       8 ---- 2

1 is now the final digit of our mixed-base number

There are five places to add tip 4: Option 0: the edge leading to 1; Option 1: the edge leading to 2; Option 2: the edge leading to 3; Option 3: the edge leading to 7; Option 4: the edge leading to 8.

If we chose option 3, then 3 would be the penultimate digit of our mixed-base number

If we chose option 0 for the next two additions, we could specify this tree with the mixed-base number 0021. We can convert this into decimal:

0 <U+00D7> (1 <U+00D7> 3 <U+00D7> 5 <U+00D7> 9) +

0 <U+00D7> (1 <U+00D7> 3 <U+00D7> 5) +

3 <U+00D7> (1 <U+00D7> 3) +

1 <U+00D7> (1)

= 10

Note that the hyperexponential nature of tree space means that there are > 2^30 unique 12-tip trees. As integers > 2^31 are not supported by R, numbers representing larger trees are represented internally as a vector of nine-digit integer 'chunks' and passed to the underlying C code, where they are combined into a single 64-bit integer. This allows trees with up to 42 tips to be accommodated.


Based on a concept by John Tromp, employed in Li et al. 1996.


See Also


Other tree generation functions: BalancedTree, NJTree, PectinateTree, RandomTree, SingleTaxonTree


Run this code
tree <- as.phylo(10, nTip = 6)

# Larger trees:

# If > 9 digits, represent the tree number as a string.
treeNumber <- as.TreeNumber("1234567890123", nTip = 14)
tree <- as.phylo(treeNumber)

as.phylo(0:2, nTip = 6, tipLabels = letters[1:6])

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab