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Data frame with series code, name, description, and source for the WDI series which match the given criteria
WDIsearch(string = "gdp", field = "name", short = TRUE, cache = NULL)
Character string. Search for this string using grep with ignore.case=TRUE.
Character string. Search this field. Admissible fields: 'indicator', 'name', 'description', 'sourceDatabase', 'sourceOrganization'
TRUE: Returns only the indicator's code and name. FALSE: Returns the indicator's code, name, description, and source.
Data list generated by the WDIcache function. If omitted, WDIsearch will search a local list of series.
Data frame with code, name, source, and description of all series which match the criteria.
# NOT RUN { WDIsearch(string='gdp', field='name', cache=NULL) WDIsearch(string='AG.AGR.TRAC.NO', field='indicator', cache=NULL) # }
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