WikidataR (version 1.3.0)

get_geo_entity: Retrieve geographic information from Wikidata


get_geo_entity retrieves the item ID, latitude and longitude of any object with geographic data associated with another object with geographic data (example: all the locations around/near/associated with a city).


get_geo_entity(entity, language = "en", radius = NULL, ...)


a Wikidata item (Q...) or series of items, to check for associated geo-tagged items.
the two-letter language code to use for the name of the item. "en" by default, because we're imperialist anglocentric westerners.
optionally, a radius (in kilometers) around entity to restrict the search to.
further arguments to pass to httr's GET.


a data.frame of 5 columns:
  • item the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with entity.
  • name the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it is not available, NA will be returned instead.
  • latitude the latitude of item
  • longitude the longitude of item
  • entity the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity queries).

See Also

get_geo_box for using a bounding box rather than an unrestricted search or simple radius.


Run this code
# All entities
sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")

# Entities with French, rather than English, names
sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")

# Entities within 1km
sf_close_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)

# Multiple entities
multi_entity <- get_geo_entity(entity = c("Q62", "Q64"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab