YaleToolkit (version 4.2.3)

sparkline: Draws a sparkline


Draws a times series or `sparkline' in a compact iconic fashion suitable for inclusion in more complex graphics or text.


sparkline(s, times = NULL, ylim = NULL, buffer = unit(0, "lines"),
          margins = NULL, IQR = NULL, yaxis = FALSE, xaxis = FALSE,
          ptopts = list(points = NULL, labels = NULL, labels.ch = NULL,
          gp = NULL, just = NULL, pch = NULL), margin.pars = NULL,
          buffer.pars = NULL, frame.pars = NULL, line.pars = gpar(lwd = 1),
          main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, new = TRUE)



a vector or time series (class "ts" or "zoo") giving the data to be plotted. If s is a time series, the start, end, and frequency found in attributes(s)$tsp are automatically converted into an argument to times.


the times at which to plot the data; if NULL (the default), equal spacing is assumed, equivalent to setting times = 1:length(s).


the maximum and minimum value on the y-axis; if NULL, defaults to the actual maximum and minimum of the data.


a buffer above the maximum and below the minimum values attained by the sparkline. Defaults to unit(0, 'lines').


margins around the sparkline-plus-buffer area. NULL (the default) provides no margins; the value passed must be a 4-vector of units giving the bottom, left, top and right margins in that order.


a list of graphics parameters to shade or otherwise delineate the interquartile range of the sparkline. NULL (the default), does not show the IQR. See Details for more information.


draws a vertical axis if TRUE; defaults to FALSE in which case no axis is drawn.


'interior' draws a horizontal axis inside the plotting frame; 'exterior' outside the plotting frame (in the margins); defaults to FALSE, in which case no axis is drawn.


a list of graphics parameters describing the points on the sparkline that are plotted and labelled. In particular the first and last or minimum and maximum points are labeled if ptopts$labels is 'first.last' or 'min.max'. In addition to labels, other relevant parameters from gpar should be valid. See Details for more information.


a list of graphics parameters describing the margin area. See Details for more information.


a list of graphics parameters describing the buffer area. See Details for more information.


a list of graphics parameters describing the exact area taken up by the plotted sparkline. See Details for more information.


a list of graphics parameters describing the sparkline. See Details for more information.


a main title, above the sparkline.


a subtitle, to the right of the sparkline.


a string to label the x-axis.


a string to label the y-axis.


defaults to TRUE, which creates a new, empty page; otherwise adds the sparkline to an existing plot.


In all the cases where a list of graphics parameters is needed, the valid parameter names are the same as would be valid when passed to gpar in the appropriate call. That is, passing list(fill = 'blue', col = 'red') to margin gives a margin that is blue with a red border; but adding fontface = 'bold' will have no effect, just as it would have no effect in a call to grid.rect(). In particular, note that ptopts takes the following non-standard parameters: labels, a vector indexing the points to label or the string 'min.max' or 'first.last'; labels.ch, a vector of strings giving the labels; and points, a vector indexing the points at which points should be plotted. Passing 'min.max' or 'first.last' to ptopts$labels overrides any values of ptopts$labels.ch.


Tufte, E. R. (2006) /it Beautiful Evidence Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press.

See Also

ts.plot, sparklines, sparkmat


Run this code
### sparkline examples

## The default behaviour of sparkline


## Creating stand-alone plots

                buffer = unit(1, "lines"),
                ptopts = 'first.last',
                margins = unit(c(1,1,1,1), 'inches'),
                yaxis = TRUE, xaxis=TRUE,
                IQR = gpar(fill = 'grey', col = 'grey'),
                main = "Ten Random Standard Normal Numbers",
                sub = '...plotted here')

y <- YaleEnergy[YaleEnergy$name==YaleEnergy$name[2],]
sparkline(y$ELSQFT, times=y$year+y$month/12,
          xaxis=TRUE, yaxis=TRUE, main="Branford College Electrical Consumption",
          buffer=unit(1, "lines"), margins = unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), 'inches'))

                buffer = unit(1, "lines"),
                ptopts = list(labels = 'min.max'),
                margin.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightblue'),
                buffer.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightgreen'),
                frame.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightyellow'),
                yaxis = TRUE, xaxis=TRUE,
                IQR = gpar(fill = 'grey', col = 'grey'),
                main="Nile Discharge between 1871 and 1970",
                sub='In what units?')

## Adding a sparkline to an existing plot

pushViewport(viewport(w = 0.8, h = 0.8))
                buffer = unit(1, "lines"),
                margins = unit(c(4,4,4,4),'points'),
                ptopts = list(labels = 'min.max'),
                margin.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightblue'),
                buffer.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightgreen'),
                frame.pars = gpar(fill = 'lightyellow'),
                yaxis = TRUE, xaxis=TRUE,
                IQR = gpar(fill = 'grey', col = 'grey'),
                main="Title (plotted OUTSIDE the viewport)", new = FALSE)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab