accelerometry (version 2.2.5)

rle2: Run Length Encoding (Alternate Implementation)


Summarize vector of numeric or character values containing runs of repeated values. This function is very similar to the base function rle, but sometimes much faster, and different in that it has an option to return the start/end indices for each run.


rle2(x, indices = FALSE, return.list = FALSE)



Input vector containing either numeric or character data.


If FALSE, function records values and lengths for each run; if TRUE, function records values, start positions, stop positions, and lengths for each run.


If FALSE, function returns 2- or 4-column matrix if x is a numeric vector and 2- or 4- column data frame if x is a character vector (number of columns depends on value for indices); if TRUE, function returns 2- or 4-element list, similar to the object returned by the base R function rle.


Depending on the inputs indices and return.list, a matrix or data frame with 2 or 4 columns, or a list of either 2 or 4 vectors.


Acknowledgment: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-0940903.

See Also

inverse.rle2, rle, inverse.rle


Run this code
# Create dummie vector x
x <- c(0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 10, 10, 4, 6, 6)

# Summarize x using rle2
x.summarized <- rle2(x)

# Repeat, but also record start/stop indices for each run
x.summarized <- rle2(x = x, indices = TRUE)
# }

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