agridat (version 1.23)

john.alpha: Alpha lattice design of spring oats


Alpha lattice design of spring oats



A data frame with 72 observations on the following 5 variables.


plot number




incomplete block


genotype (variety)


dry matter yield (tonnes/ha)


Row ordinate


Column ordinate


A spring oats trial grown in Craibstone, near Aberdeen. There were 24 varieties in 3 replicates, each consisting of 6 incomplete blocks of 4 plots. Planted in a resolvable alpha design.

Caution: Note that the table on page 146 of John & Williams (1995) is NOT the physical layout. The plots were laid out in a single line.


Piepho, H.P. and Mohring, J. (2007), Computing heritability and selection response from unbalanced plant breeding trials. Genetics, 177, 1881-1888.

Paul Schmidt, Jens Hartung, Jörn Bennewitz, and Hans-Peter Piepho (2019). Heritability in Plant Breeding on a Genotype-Difference Basis. Genetics, 212, 991-1008.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

  dat <- john.alpha
  # RCB (no incomplete block)
  m0 <- lm(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep, data=dat)

  # Block fixed (intra-block analysis) (bottom of table 7.4 in John)
  m1 <- lm(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep + rep:block, dat)

  # Block random (combined inter-intra block analysis)
  libs(lme4, lucid)
  m2 <- lmer(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep + (1|rep:block), dat)

  ## Analysis of Variance Table
  ##     Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value
  ## gen 24 380.43 15.8513 185.9942
  ## rep  2   1.57  0.7851   9.2123
  ##        grp        var1 var2    vcov  sdcor
  ##  rep:block (Intercept)  0.06194 0.2489
  ##   Residual          0.08523 0.2919

  # Variety means.  John and Williams table 7.5.  Slight, constant
  # difference for each method as compared to John and Williams.
  means <- data.frame(rcb=coef(m0)[1:24],
  ##             rcb       ib    intra
  ## genG01 5.201233 5.268742 5.146433
  ## genG02 4.552933 4.665389 4.517265
  ## genG03 3.381800 3.803790 3.537934
  ## genG04 4.439400 4.728175 4.528828
  ## genG05 5.103100 5.225708 5.075944
  ## genG06 4.749067 4.618234 4.575394
  splom(means, main="john.alpha - means for RCB, IB, Intra-block")

  # ----------
  if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)){

  # Heritability calculation of Piepho & Mohring, Example 1
    m3 <- asreml(yield ~ 1 + rep, data=dat, random=~ gen + rep:block)
    sg2 <- summary(m3)$varcomp['gen','component'] # .142902
    # Average variance of a difference of two adjusted means (BLUP)
    p3 <- predict(m3, data=dat, classify="gen", sed=TRUE)
    # Matrix of pair-wise SED values, squared
    vdiff <- p3$sed^2
    # Average variance of two DIFFERENT means (using lower triangular of vdiff)
    vblup <- mean(vdiff[lower.tri(vdiff)]) # .05455038
    # Note that without sed=TRUE, asreml reports square root of the average variance
    # of a difference between the variety means, so the following gives the same value
    # predict(m3, data=dat, classify="gen")$avsed ^ 2 # .05455038
    # Average variance of a difference of two adjusted means (BLUE)
    m4 <- asreml(yield ~ 1 + gen + rep, data=dat, random = ~ rep:block)
    p4 <- predict(m4, data=dat, classify="gen", sed=TRUE)
    vdiff <- p4$sed^2
    vblue <- mean(vdiff[lower.tri(vdiff)]) # .07010875
    # Again, could use predict(m4, data=dat, classify="gen")$avsed ^ 2
    # H^2 Ad-hoc measure of heritability
    sg2 / (sg2 + vblue/2) # .803
    # H^2c Similar measure proposed by Cullis.
    1-(vblup / (2*sg2)) # .809

  # ----------
  # lme4 to calculate Cullis H2
  cov2sed <- function(x){
    # Convert var-cov matrix to SED matrix
    # sed[i,j] = sqrt( x[i,i] + x[j,j]- 2*x[i,j] )
    n <- nrow(x)
    vars <- diag(x)
    sed <- sqrt( matrix(vars, n, n, byrow=TRUE) +
                   matrix(vars, n, n, byrow=FALSE) - 2*x )
    diag(sed) <- 0
  # Same as asreml model m4. Note 'gen' must be first term
  m5blue <- lmer(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep + (1|rep:block), dat)
  ls5blue <- emmeans(m5blue, "gen")
  con <- ls5blue@linfct[,1:24] # contrast matrix for genotypes
  # The 'con' matrix is identity diagonal, so we don't need to multiply,
  # but do so for a generic approach
  # sed5blue <- cov2sed(con 
  tmp <- tcrossprod( crossprod(t(con), vcov(m5blue)[1:24,1:24]), con)
  sed5blue <- cov2sed(tmp)

  # vblue Average variance of difference between genotypes
  vblue <- mean(sed5blue[upper.tri(sed5blue)]^2)
  vblue # .07010875 matches 'vblue' from asreml
  # Now blups
  m5blup <- lmer(yield ~ 0 + (1|gen) + rep + (1|rep:block), dat)
  # Need lme4::ranef in case ordinal is loaded
  re5 <- lme4::ranef(m5blup,condVar=TRUE)
  vv1 <- attr(re5$gen,"postVar")  
  vblup <- 2*mean(vv1) # .0577 not exactly same as 'vblup' above
  # H^2 Ad-hoc measure of heritability
  sg2 <- c(lme4::VarCorr(m5blup)[["gen"]])  # 0.142902
  sg2 / (sg2 + vblue/2) # .803 matches asreml

  # H^2c Similar measure proposed by Cullis.
  1-(vblup / 2 / sg2) # .809 from asreml, .800 from lme4

  # ----------
  # Sommer to calculate Cullis H2
  m2.ran <- mmer(fixed  = yield ~ rep,
                 random =       ~ gen + rep:block,
                 data   = dat)
  vc_g     <- m2.ran$sigma$gen       # genetic variance component
  n_g      <- n_distinct(dat$gen)    # number of genotypes
  C22_g    <- m2.ran$PevU$gen$yield  # Prediction error variance matrix for genotypic BLUPs
  trC22_g  <- sum(diag(C22_g))       # trace
  # Mean variance of a difference between genotypic BLUPs. Smith eqn 26
  # I do not see the algebraic reason for this...2
  av2 <- 2/n_g * (trC22_g - (sum(C22_g)-trC22_g) / (n_g-1))                      
  ### H2 Cullis
  1-(av2 / (2 * vc_g)) #0.8091


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